How to Thank This Veteran

Transmission Issue

To All,

I am a veteran. The details of my military service are unimportant. I am but one of millions of veterans, no more worthy of your thanks than any of the rest. As for me, I would prefer that you not thank me for my military service, not even on this hallowed day.

I saw my duty, my path was clear, I volunteered. That was long ago, but even today I am a better person for my military service. But a "thank you" is unnecessary. I don't expect nor will I accept thanks for my military service. My military service was, after all, a duty -- a near sacred duty.

Instead of thanks, I would ask that you make America better.

Find a nearby elderly widow and mow her lawn during the summer, rake the fallen leaves in the fall and shovel her sidewalk during the winter. Don't ask, just do it. She needs your help, but she is too proud to ask.

Be active in your community. Volunteer to help run a cub/boy/brownie/girl scout pack or troop.

Find a nearby fire department and volunteer. If being a fireman is too rigorous, join the fire police. You must give back to your community. Without your involvement, it won't be a community, it will be merely a collection of structures.

Mentor a young person. There is little in life more rewarding, and your work will live beyond you.

Take an active part in the affairs of your community. There is always a way to get involved.

Be a good wife/husband/parent/son/daughter -- person. In the end, money, homes and toys won't matter. Only relationships and your good reputation will matter.

Donate your old books to a nearby VA hospital. Those elderly vets are starving for reading material.

Visit a nursing home and chat with the residents. Loneliness is epidemic in those places. You are a cure.

Visit a cemetery and walk among the graves. You might see fallen American Flags marking the graves of your veterans. Replant those small flags to once again stand tall over the graves of those who once stood tall for America and for you.

Respect the flag of your country and guard it ferociously. Respect your flag not as an object, but as the symbol for which it stands. Gadget recently engaged the manager of a local fast-food place in a debate because of the deplorable condition of the American Flag flying between the arches. Surely Gadget was thought a nut-case on that day, but on the following day a fresh American flag soared there, snapping and crackling beautifully in the wind. Mission accomplished. It was worth the effort. You can do something similar.

Support your soldiers, sailors marines, airmen and coasties -- no matter what. Feel free to disagree with and even protest the politics that put our troops in jeopardy, but make the distinction between the politics of a nation and the well-being of the people who wear our uniforms.


There are so many things you can do -- too many to list. There are countless causes for you to embrace. Pick a cause, hug it tightly, make it your cause.

We veterans, you see, made an effort to keep America free, and by that effort we gave you a wonderful luxury: in your freedom, you enjoy the luxury of being able to make America better.

So, please don't thank this veteran with words, not even on this hallowed day.

Thank this veteran by your actions.

As this old soldier fades away, let him enjoy the pleasure of -- watching you -- making America better.

Ex-G.I. Gadget

It's people like Gadget that makes us want to send thanks to those who do serve the military! It's too bad that there aren't more people in this world with the heart that you have buddy.

Wheel Question

Do you mind if I forward that to a few friends?
wow that is deep... its like those forwards you get in your email that make you cry---
i still want to thank EVERY veteran or anyone serving our country in anyway.... THANKS GUYS
I still think I would like to spend a day or two with you on the trail and under some shade tree with a bucket of Ice Tea. Gadget You Are The Man! tug

Inspector-Gadget said:

There are so many things you can do -- too many to list. There are countless causes for you to embrace. Pick a cause, hug it tightly, make it your cause.

I vote for Gadget to be a Mod!!! :) You're a great brother.

Inspite of your declining of the nomination. You should re-consider.

As I always toast:
"Here's to the Army and the Navy and the Battles they have one,
Here's to the colors of the flag, the colors that NEVER run,
May the Wings of Liberty NEVER lose a feather."
--Jack Burton (Big Trouble in Little China)