Howdy. New guy with a question.


New member
Howdy folks. This is my first post here.
I have been restoring a 1960 Willy's CJ-5 for the past 3 years. It I have it up and running and have replaced many parts. At this time, I do believe that I need to adjust the clutch. I have been driving it on and off since Memorial day. What is happening is this. With the clutch pedal fully depressed and the jeep at full stop, I shift the transmission into first gear. What I am hearing is a combination squealing/ grinding noise. If I let the clutch out and begin to move, the noise stops. I told a friend who has been helping me restore this jeep about it. He is an experienced jeep mechanic. He said that I needed to adjust the clutch.

Does anyone here have a link to instructions on how to adjust the clutch on this jeep? Again, it is a 1960 Willy's CJ-5 with the 4-134 engine. I did do a search on this forum, and could not find what I was looking for. Thanks in advance for your help.

I am looking forward to gaining knowledge from you folks on this forum, and hopefully I may be able to answer a question or two for someone else as well.

Bob C.

There should be an adjuster attached to your throw out fork. And you just losen the jam nut and lengthen it a little, and retighten the jam nut. I would test drive it with each adjustment and take small adjustments. :shades:
Thanks HiHood,
I should have time to crawl under it tomorrow, and will look for the adjustment that you mentioned. Thanks for the reply.

Bob C.

sounds like either the clutch fork is worn allowing the pressure plate to contact the fork when disengaged, or the springs are shot in the pressure plate allowing a distorted unsquare travel.

it may also be a worn throw out bearing/pressure plate contact surface throwing the fork beyond travel specs.

I've seen forks cracked allowing the TO bearing to travel crooked...that would act like those same symtoms