Hubs Locked or unlocked?


New member
I've heard differing opinions. 85 CJ7 Warn Hubs

Is it safe to operate the jeep in both two and four wheel drive with the hubs locked? Or, should I always run the hubs unlocked when in two wheel drive? :???:


It creates less wear on front end components and on your transfer case front output bearings to run them unlocked. Just run them unlocked, it's not that hard to get out and lock them in when you need to.

One other question if you don't mind.

What about lubrication for the wheel locks. Is this someting I should do or do they receive lubrication when locked? I think I read somewhere that you should lock them occasionally and drive them for a short period and then unlock them.

I use the Jeep for hunting and sometimes it spends a few months sitting idle and 4 wheel drive isn't always needed. I may go 4 - 6 months without using 4 wheel drive then use it regularly for a period.
If you're in and out of the mud and water a lot, it may be worth your while to take them off once or twice a year and put some lube in them, but the only thing that really gets lubed in there are the wheel bearings, and they're supposed to be sealed off from the elements by the hub and inner seal, not that they always are. At the least, squirt them with some oil next time you replace the wheel bearings.

periodic manual hub cleaning/lubricating (like ea. oil change or so..) never hurts and unless your front axle is locked it shouldnt hurt to keep the hubs locked (right now with my screwed up cable disconnect , my "hubs" are effectively "locked" and w/an "open" diff. i dont notice a difference) and shouldnt put any excessive strain on the xfer case as the wheels deal w/ea. other and no load moves up the driveshaft... make sense? (this is a 4 beer explaination....) hope it helps...
Locking the hubs will cost a slight bit in mileage and parts wear, as well as quickly telling you if the front driveshaft is the slightest out of balance. The front axleshafts, differential, and driveshaft will turn ever so slowly when the hubs are unlocked, and turning at road speed when the hubs are locked.
I used to keep the hubs locked on my F/S blazer, in the winter and when I'm out wheelin. Never had a problem, although it is pretty much the same animal only bigger.
It was just easier to sit inside and engage the transfer wiothout havng to step out into a huge puddle of partially frozen ice and mud. :)

If you almost never use 4WD, it's not a bad idea to lock the hubs and run in 2WD every so often to keep everything moving smoothly.

But to answer your question, no, it won't hurt the Jeep unless you have a locker in the front in which case it can cause damage on dry surfaces.