I don't know what to make of this... Help!


New member
So i ordered PORC on friday, and have been following the package by the tracking number I was given. Today i received a package from randy's ring & pinion. it contained two - YA W39125 and one - YA W38875. That's it. Does PORC sell stuff from Randy's ring and pinion? I'm greatly confused, and not sure what to do. Also, FedEx's website still says my package is in transit from texas,and that it left this morning.


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I'd check my CC transactions to be sure it's legit and not some additional charging. Second call PORC to confirm they shipped it. It may be possible they resell Randy's ring & pinion parts as a part of their kit.

Just a thought.
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Yeah i have no clue either, i figured i'd post here and maybe someone who has experience with PORC would know if they resold randys R&P parts.

If you click on th elinks he provided it looks like he ordered a kit and recieves some parts that meet the vague discription. I'd still call and be sure my credit card only gets charged by who i authorized and for the agreeded amount.
What JPNinPA said. Ordered the kit that said it was complete and I got what you see in my first post. And UPS still says it left Texas this morning. So I don't know what to think/say.

perhaps 2 packages were sent, PORC probably uses randy's as a manufacturer and then simply drop ships them to save on overhead.

It appears your missing the U-joints and the short side inner shaft
Alright I guess I'll wait to see what happens this week, and if anything else gets dropped off.