I hate vandals!


New member
So I was working on my CJ today for the first time in a while. I was going in and out of the house to get stuff with the CJ on the street right in front of the house. I came back out after about 10 min of being inside, and somebody had stolen my power steering reservoir cap! I know with 100% certainty that it was there earlier. Why the heck would you steal that??? I guess just to be a jerk!

So now I have looked all over online and cannot find a place that lists a replacement available. Does anybody know if this is a standard cap that I can pick up somewhere? I went to Autozone and they were no help.

I got a cap from my 86 Cj7 that was wreaked. Yours if ya want it. just let me know where to and ill send it to ya.
If that cap doesn't fit, I know of a place out here that deals strictly in jeeps. They have all kinds of parts old and new. I'm sure they could help you out. They have a website I can try to find the address for if you need it. You'll have to pay to ship it from Canada but how expensive can a cap be?

Found one today... Thanks for the offers of help guys. I just can't believe somebody would have swiped something out of the engine compartment...