I made it through Isabel but not without getting stuck!


New member

Well the storm was quite a hit in MD. There are millions of us without power still but mine is back on thank god.

I have never seen such sustained winds, ours were up to 60 most the day yesterday and there are so many roofs and tree branches down. IT's a huge mess, even in my yard.

My brother lives in a trailor closer to the ocean than me, towards the end of the storm but still in the thick of it he started losing windows. We were stable here so I drove down, about 20 mins' to help him with his stuff.

After the storm wound down we took a ride in the JEEP for damage control, to see which roads were blocked, etc. We were all supposed to work today.

Humm, well things were going just fine and we got brave and decided to check out the swamp roads we drive on often just for fun. They are dirt, although public bypass roads.

First road was fine, second was touch and go but there's no turning around on those roads. We removed a couple of trees and even had one held up for us while we got through it. Then! (here comes my stuck-I am so good at this now I tell you).

I veered off the main area of the road JUST A TAD, to go around a huge tree down and viola got myself in a rut along this ditch and bank. Well, we tried everything we could think of including putting branches and stuff down to give me traction but all we could do was dig a bigger rut, about 10 feet in length and at least a foot or more deep.

In the end, I decided it was just getting worse. The wind picked back up and the rain and I wanted to get outta those swamps. We decided to lock her up and leave her stranded. I (scared as hell) walked the swamp with my brother in the pitch black dark listening to the water run beside me and the trees crackle all around. We had the backlight of my cell phone and his lighter (which wouldn't work in the wind) for lighting. We had to walk past this "hanging tree" where they used to hang people. Joy of Joys, I tell you. Made it out finally and called for help and got a ride back home, what fun!

I was cussing at myself the whole time, I couldn't find my flashlight or my shovel in the truck. I guess they inadvertanly found thier way out one day when I wasn't looking. I was also tearing myself up that I hadn't put the new tires I wanted to buy on the jeep yet, those stock ones just aren't good for a whit!

So, this morning we went back to asses the situation. I had her laid up on the ditchbank on the drivers side totally. She was front axle deep or more on the left side and there was no way in hell she would move. We left to see if we could get the trees off the road and get a truck in. The road people said they would get to it eventually so we decided to just regroup and wait a bit.

Two hours later my brother took a truck back there with a friend and found the jeep snatched out already and sitting on the road. Someone apparantly had found her and managed to get the passenger side window unzipped and actually took the time to snatch her out of that mud for me. They broke the glovebox (I assume looking for identification to call me) and left it on the road in gear. I had a note on the dash that said (you will LOVE THIS) "Thank God for the Green Yota-Get some REAL Tires!" My brother reports the tire tracks were about 36 inches deep and the guy he took with him to help thought his truck wouldn't even have been able to get in there and do any good.

So, I thought that very interesting that someone would do that for me, we don't know if it was DNR, Park Rangers, or just someone like us. Alot of trucks ride those roads just for fun daily. The burner was the damn note, because I couldn't argue with him. My tires do SUCK hard.

So, Miss Renegade made the decision for me today. We are getting MT's October 1st and heck with all this getting stuck!

That's my hurricane story, hope you had fun reading it and aren't laughing at me too hard!!! :p :lol: :cry: :shock: :shock:


its not the tires... where is your hi-lift jack? how about your straps? you could have gotten yourself free with 2 straps and a hi-lift as a winch... or even in the hole to get the back end down solid again..... more importantly, where is the second vehicle? never wheel alone...
Afternoon Grae,

I can't afford a hi-lift or a winch, I can barely afford what I have put on her. She is only about three months old. I have no one else to wheel with. None of my friends have trucks or wheel and the local jeep club is a bust. They seem to not care about getting new members at all and won't respond to me. My option is don't wheel at all or at least wheel with others in my truck, which is what I do.

Thanks for the tips.
Girl you go wheel alone if you have too! I do from time to time for the same reasons no one wants to play with me. Just be carefull let someone know where you are going and when you should be back. We all break the rules from time to time and that is ok just be smart and have fun. tug

I WAS ROBBED!!!!! We got no flooding, and the wind wasn't even that bad. In fact, I had to go to work today!!!
we lost power for a few hours (thats okay, it gave me a reason not to do anything productive, besides go to bed), but the best thing was my college which never closes for anything (closed maybe half a day for last years blizzard), closed today. today turned out to be a pretty nice day, so i'm happy :). i hope everyone else is doing okay.
Glad to hear you guys made it out safly and had a good time.Sorry to hear you got robbed glass.I hope the rest of you made it out alright.

Yea, there was flood play, and I missed it.
LadyJeepFreak said:
Afternoon Grae,

I can't afford a hi-lift or a winch, I can barely afford what I have put on her. She is only about three months old. I have no one else to wheel with. None of my friends have trucks or wheel and the local jeep club is a bust. They seem to not care about getting new members at all and won't respond to me. My option is don't wheel at all or at least wheel with others in my truck, which is what I do.

Thanks for the tips.

if you ever feel inclined to head for jersey, i'll wheel with ya....
New tires will help, no doubt, but some sort of recovery stuff is even more improtant if you're flying solo. Hi-lifts are relatively cheap (if it saves you from one tow truck/winch-me-out call it pays for itself) and would be worth saving up for one and some straps. Glad to see nothing was hurt but a little bit o' pride! That was a mean ol' storm! In 15 years of utility work (11 as a lineman and 4 as a phone man), I've never seen so many downed trees and lines! DC looks like a war zone, but nothing compared to what I saw on TV in VA & NC.
Water pump. What the Heck?

Hello Lady,

All in all, you and your brother had an excellent adventure!

All's well that ends well.

Glad you are both safe.

Gee Bounty, I didn't remember to snag my camera on the way out the door in the hurricane. I don't think I have one of the caliber that can take pictures in pitch black darkness either. lol If ya can't picture it from what I wrote, your missing something!

Grea and Tug, thanks for the offer to wheel sometime. Ya just never know!

Random, my school closed too, actualy almost everything did on Thursday and a bunch did on Friday too!

Twisted, I hear ya about this one dude. We are still doing tree clean up here and will be for weeks to come. A local man died when a tree fell on his trailor and I still know people who don't have power after the third day. What a mess!

The rest of you, consider the lesson learned about recovery gear. I'll be getting some soon no matter what tires I keep on the jeep.

Have a great Sunday all!


Hello Lady,

I won't disagree with the people telling you to buy hi-lift jacks, winches, come-alongs, straps, chains, snatch-blocks, yada, yada, but I would add that, equally important, would be to learn how to safely use all that stuff -- before you need to use all that stuff.

The use of those self-recovery tools can involve tremendous physical forces: forces which are always dangerous and potentially lethal.

My gratuitous opinion: either learn from someone who knows how to safely use those tools or don't bother even packing those tools along.

Your "first-stuck" alone in the woods is not the time to try out all those shiny new and extremely powerful gizmos.

Having those tools available no more qualifies one as a rigger than having a scalpel qualifies one as a surgeon.

My $00.02 worth expressed solely in the interest of your personal safety.

