I need clutch/transmission help on a tj!


New member
All of a sudden, I've been getting a terrible metal on metal noise when I release my clutch. So, I dropped the transmission and replaced the pilot bearing and release bearing. The clutch was fine because I had already replaced everything last summer. I put everything back together and, of course, it's worse. I'm getting the same sound now when I start to engage my clutch. Is my release bearing hitting the fingers on the cluch cover? Or is my release bearing hitting the clutch and causing that sound? Other questions...What is the position of the release bearing when the transmission is put back together...does it sit outside of the clutch housing, or is it sitting beyond the fingers near the clucth? When I bolt down the clutch housing does the clutch itself get sandwiched tight between the flywheel and the housing or should there be some movement?

I also replaced the slave cylinder. I have not checked the fluids in the transmission and transfer case but I don't think that is the problem. Everthing went fine last summer when I replaced the clutch...until last week! Help!?!?
One thought that comes to my non-professional mechanic mind........when you replaced the clutch, did you re-surface the flywheel? Perhaps it's scored a bit and making that godawful racket just before it engages? I've only done a couple of clutches and that was years and years ago (one in a VW). I didn't worry about the flywheel (stupid and lucky I guess) but I've since learned that it should be considered. Hopefully, the more learned on here can give you better advice. Good luck! Hate to hear ANY Jeep makin' noises.
The clutch could be broken, could have a broken finger.

The clutch disc is sandwiched and stays tight between the pressure plate and the flywheel. The throwout bearing rides behind the clutch on the input shaft.

Could be inside your transmission or transfer case since it does it with the clutch released. I'd drain both and check the condition of the fluid, checking for metal contamination. Let us know what you find.