If you promise not to tell....


New member
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: "Sandwhich" or "Sammich&a

I'll give you my secret to the best macaroni and cheese on earth, but you have to promise to keep it a secret.

Forget that boxed stuff. There's too much prep work involved for sub-perfect mac and cheese. My process requires some additional steps, but I assure you that it will turn out worth it.

Print these instructions if you must. Every step is a crutial part in the worlds best macaroni and cheese (Snitty-Mac)

Step one- Find a convenience store that sells nachos at a counter accessible to customers. If they don't have it, its not a real convenience store.

Step two- Find a deal on a big cheap fountain drink or coffee. All you need is the cup, so do not fill it with a beverage.

Step three- Fill that cup with nacho cheese from the nacho station. (If you don't have any macaroni of your favorite choice, now would be a good time to pick some up.)

Step four- Go to the cashier and tell him/her that you just woke up and are facing a long shift at work. If you have a coffee cup and the cashier understands your pain, you may even get the cheese for free. (I can often find 16 ounces of cheese for $0.39)

Step five- Go home, or to someone's stove. (microwave instructions are availible upon request)

Step six- Fill a 2 quart sized sauce pan with 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil

Step seven- Add in a desired amount of a macaroni of choice. (I tend to stay away from the traditional elbow macaroni, explained later.) Boil until tender.

Step seven- Drain water from the macaroni and return it to the pan.

Step eight- While stirring the macaroni, gradually add your inexpensive cheese until you are satisfied with the macaroni/cheese ratio.

Step nine- Put it on a plate or in a bowl if you wish. You may eat it out of the pan if nobody else is around. A spoon or a fork will work fine. (I prefer a fork) Eat it and smile.

--My reasoning for choosing to stay away from the traditional elbow macaroni:

The most common noodles used for macaroni and cheese are elbows and shells. I have always prefered shells over elbows. Kraft also makes various "fun" shapes of macaroni such as "The Flintstones", "Rugrats", "Spongebob Squarepants", and many more. They are usually cartoon based shapes. They also have spirals, which I happen to like very much. Though any of these styles are better than the traditional elbows.
I once thought long and hard "Why are these so much better? They all have the same ingredients." I then came to a realization one day when I bit an elbow in half. The reason spirals, shells and shapes are better than elbows is because of a surface area issue. The elbows have an inner chamber which will not easily allow cheese, being that it is thick, to enter and coat its inner surface area. Often times, water, being that it is thin, will get trapped inside which will not drain out with the rest of the water. This water, already occupying the inner space, will also help keep the tasty cheese out of the elbow. One may find that the cheese may not quite taste as good in elbow macaroni and cheese because of the cheese eventually being slightly watered down. This is not an issue with the other types of macaroni. Shells have a large enough opening to allow the cheese inside, "fun" shapes do have some small crevices, but they are not deep enough for it to be an issue, and spirals have no inner surface at all.
In conclusion, the quality of macaroni and cheese is highly affected by the coverage of cheese in relation to the entire surface area of the noodle.

This has been a broadcast of Up-At-Night Productions

Man I wish I had that much time to think about all this. Although I will give the recipe a try this weekend!
RE: HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz folks...

Nothing beats my wifes Baked Mac and cheese with the potato chip and bread crumb crust!
RE: Suburban Shocks

I like the elbows :(

What you wrote makes too much sense not to stray from them though. Wow this could be the start of an all new love for mac & cheese!!! I'll try it (the different pasta), but not 7-11 cheese. That stuff is scary... cheese on tap - eeeeww.

RE: Re: RE: HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz folks...

Boys- I can't believe you are exchanging recipes.....go play outside! :D :D :D
RE: Re: RE: HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz folks...

I hate cheese on tap too. That stuff is like Taco Hell double time. It will tear your arse UP! Good lord Snitty, how can you eat that much of that stuff? You must have an iron system or not mind the wallpaper in your bathroom!

I do love home made mac and cheese though. Can't make it myself, not a good cook here. lol I love the boxed kind of mac and cheese just fine though.


Oh my system is iron... Never had heartburn once at all in my life (knock on wood). Its not so fortunate really though, medicine doesn't do anything. My metabolism is so slow that if I have a headache or something, I can take something for it and it will do me no good, my stomach walls are tough sunzabetches.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz fol

I am going to try your mac and cheese recipe with green chile....tommorrow! Good call Snitty.