Ignition trouble


New member
Ok here it goes, I have no ignition fire in my 84 cj it has Motorcraft ignition. I have a new wiring harness fron painless wiring, it was running but I went to hook up the windshild wipers and now it wont start. I have replaced the ignition modual, the coil, and checked the grounds, checke the hook up on the harness and it is all good. I bought a new distributer and still nothing. I am about to go postal on my Jeep. I have ran continuity checks on all the wires and found no breaks. I unhooked the wipers and still nothing. I am stuck if anyone can lend a hand on a sugestion I would be greatful. If I cant get it to start soon I am buying a D.U.I. distributer and being done with the ford junk.