I'm finally getting my jeep!!!!


New member

I've been looking for a jeep for almost 2 years now and i'm finally getting one. I found a 1990 YJ 4.2 6cyl w/ only 85k miles on it for $5100. might be bringin it home tomorrow


Hey, that's awesome! I've had my '94 YJ since last January. Here's something to look out for when you're driving: you're gonna find that your Jeep is faster than other vehicles off the line, but don't put the pedal to the metal coming from stops. I've messed my U-joints and had to have a new drive shaft put in for doing that....that's bad. Just know how to drive it and don't be stupid like me. -Mike

Only thing better than finding that Jeep, Is bringing it home. I have only had mine for 4 months. I will never be with out again. Good luck with your new ride.[addsig]

lol the first time i drove it at home was awesome! It looked so huge in the inside, i scared the crap out of myself around turns, and I thought i was the coolest guy in the world for a few weeks! hahaha -Mike


aint it fun? I just got my first jeep, a couple weeks ago. I drove it home from Denver CO, to Albuquerque NM. It was a great drive. But going up the Raton pass really sucked in that 4-banger.

ah yes... the first drive of a new jeep is always special.

mine was from the owners house to the tags place, and i scared the shit out of myself many times. after coming from a little honda CRX (like a civic, but smaller) the jeep felt like it was gonna roll over on every turn. and the license plate and tags and insurance was expired so i didn't want to take the easy way, so i took backroads! oh well, everything is fine and i'm not so scared to corner it anymore.


Well it looks like I'm not gettin it now. I've been lookin for a year and a half now and my dumb ass dad just tells me what insurance is gonna be like. Since I'm 16 and a boy I'd be spending more a month on insurance than the actual car payment. Looks like i'm probably be gettin a POS pickup. Sorry.


hmm.... what's your insurance company? coverage for my '90 XJ is 1400 per year... $120 per month. i just turned 18.[addsig]

I think my company is grangier. I called geico last night and found out I would only have to $440 every 6 months so if I can get my parents to change companies with me I might still get the jeep. The funny thing is that my cousin owns our insurance company and it seems he is rippin us off. [addsig]


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE> Well it looks like I'm not gettin it now. I've been lookin for a year and a half now and my dumb ass dad just tells me what insurance is gonna be like. Since I'm 16 and a boy I'd be spending more a month on insurance than the actual car payment. Looks like i'm probably be gettin a POS pickup. Sorry.


You're better off. $5,100.00 is WAY too much money for a 12 year old YJ with 85K on it. That's even a little bit steep for a CJ in pretty good shape with the same milleage, but then again, the CJ is an entirely different animal.[addsig]

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>5100 is way too much for a 12 year old YJ with 85K on it... </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE> You are so right, but have you seen what they blue book at in places like Colorado and New Mexico? I saw 95 YJ's with 85K on them for $8000!
crazy I tell you, just crazy.[addsig]

Dude don't feel to bad, Yesterday my son turned 17 and he drives a Ford Probe, however he dreams of a jeep. The deal is he pays his own insurance and if he gets a jeep it is because he traded his car, sold his car or saved enough money. He is paying 1265.00 per year for insurance now. You are not alone! Tug[addsig]


I just got my Jeep 2 days ago (10/21) and I looovve it. I'm 17 now and I've been wanting one since I was about 9. I had to drive around a piece of crap mazda for a year and now I finally have my Jeep! The best part is that I was expecting to get a YJ for about 6k, but my parents surprised me and let me get TJ! So of course now I"m stoked as I could possibly be.....I feel ya on the whole insurance thing....i have to pay 2000 a year, but hey, ......it's a jeep........I'd pay twice that if I had too!! [addsig]

I found another one I think I might get instead. It's in great condition and this ones got A/C
same price only 70k miles on it.[addsig]


A/C is an not needed in a jeep. When I first got mine almost three years ago I was excited about having A/C, but now all it is is a pain in the butt. It seems like it's in the way anytime I want to do something and I haven't mustered up the energy to take it out yet. If anybody wants an A/C system let me know. But other than that good luck on finding your jeep. Evan

I've got a friend with a 90 YJ and mine is an 89 YJ, mine has A/C his doesn't. For example my alternator is under my A/C compressor which makes a 10 minute job turn into anywhere between 1/2 to an hour. Also #1 spark plug is much harder to get to. And in a Jeep you don't need A/C, in my opinion.


Well it gets really hot here in NC so I'd rather have the A/C and a little less space than fryin all day. I'm just happy to get a jeep I couldn't care less if its a little cramped under the hood.[addsig]