info on how ta build or where to get a snorkel kit

ok i have a carburated 383 stroker in my cj i do alot of creek and some river crossings and i would love to put a snorkel on the jeep even if it is more for looks. Allso then i would be prepared if the need ever came up for deep water crossing
I am in the process of making one for my 82, I have been unable to find one for a CJ. The only area of concern I have is the box that will sit on the carb. I have a local metal shop putting a cad drawing together for me based on measurements and a sketch I provided them. If you would like I can scan and send it to you when I get it. It will be mid January before I get it.
weber makes a water tight kit for their two barrels so someone has to make one for a four barrel.