it sounds like i have a turbo wound out when im in 4x4


New member
So the first snow of the year hit and i put my jeep in 4x4 for the first time, it howles like a wound out turbo on a cummins when i get above 40km/h
i checked oin in front end it was up but i put in synthetic 75 90, when i checked the oin in the transfer case i found it was ATF, is this common practice b/c as far as i know a transfer case is a gear box and a gear box uses gear oil. if you all could let me know what ya think would help me out greatly
oh its a 97 tj

The '97 TJ uses a chain driven transfer case, the 231j, and it requires ATF fluid.

I'd change the fluid and see if the noise changes.
IN my history, it is usually the gear driven t-cases that are louder when in 4wd, the chain driven ones are generally quieter. I would do this ^^^^
Did you have it in low or high range? You would get some gear whine in low range at 40 Km/hr. Like the guys said, high range should be pretty quiet. -John

PS "howles like a wound out turbo on a Cummins" - few things sound better than a Cummins hard at work - music to my ears :)

It sounds to me like you had it in 4L; in 4L, you can expect some whine from the gearing. Does the howl happen in 4H as well?
I did have it in 4H at the time i tried it in 4L and got a whine at 10km/h i did some other research and foud it was sopposed to be ATF in there but it is dirty and i plan on changing the oil but i fear it could be a berring so if im gonna rip it apart im just gonna replace everything i can at once to save ripping it apart agin. thanks for all your input guys