Jeep broken into ... AGAIN!


New member
So, some d**kless worm broke into our Jeep last night. Standard story... popped the glovebox and console open, took about $30 worth of phone charger/ipod adapter stuff. Cops come out--do NOTHING. I'm left with a broken console AGAIN and a rattling glovebox AGAIN. Somebody broke the door glass on my next door neighbor's truck about a week ago and went through everything. He didn't have anything in his truck.

So, my question to everybody is: What do you do to keep this from happening? Keep nothing in your Jeep? Get Tuffy products? Get a (STUPID) car alarm? Sleep in your Jeep? What can be done to stop these pieces of ____ from breaking into my Jeep?

Any help, ideas, consolation, or condolences, etc. are welcomed.


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Sorry about the thievery. What can I say? You have an easily accessible vehicle. If you lock it, they will just cut your top open. Its a lose, lose situation.
Sorry to hear man.... We had a car stolen from us about 4 months ago and several people in our area has had their cars broken into. We chose to go with car alarms, while they dont always work with "smash and grabbers" that little blinking light sure helps with keeping the less dedicated thieves out.
Sorry to hear it, that really sucks. Just a couple of weeks ago someone stole a couple of pairs of prescription glasses out of my center console. I never lock the doors and this one time I forgot to lock the console. That was about 600 bucks worth of glasses that will do the thieves not a dang bit of good. I hate people. I think I'm going to add a blinkie light to my dash to deter the amateurs. Oh, the also stole about a $1.50 out of my coin tray.

Soft top jeep--don't lock the doors, so at least they won't cut their way in. Don't leave anything valuable in it. Garage if you can.
I would stop leaving anything of any value in it for starters. If you can afford it I'd get the Tuffy boxes. Sorry 'bout your bad luck though. Mines only been tampered with once and they just got a few CD's. I didn't even miss them for a couple of weeks, but it's the principle that matters.
Juyst once for me. But I didn't like that! Twice? Set up a spy cam. If the police can do nothing, then it is up to you.

Unfortunately, it is not cheap to do it. The last spycam I bought for the company was $600. They do produce results.

Try here, if you are interested! Brickhouse Security
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Actually, I've been fantasizing about figuring out a way to make my roll bar electrical so they get zapped when the climb in. That would be awesome!
Someone broke into my roommate, and friend's Jeep about a week ago... Parked right across the street from my house, directly under a streetlight, smashed up the trim, and stole the radio... 5 year old CD player that barely worked...

I know times are hard, especially here in Michigan, but still, some people...

If thieves thought they would get more than a slap on the hand...much of this would stop.

We've gone too soft on crime and enforcing the law.

The criminals seem to hold all the cards and the victims often get screwed.

My 2 and 1/2 cents worth (taking into account inflation)

Why doesn't anyone like car alarms? If they are adjusted / installed properly they won't go off accidentially. I know that most people ignore them, but if the Jeep's parked outside your house - you won't ignore it.

The last spycam I bought for the company was $600.

You can get all kind of hunting "trail cameras" at lower prices. You would have to secure the camera so it doesn't get stolen as well. I have two Moultrie Models that are infrared, but they do have a bit of a red light that is noticeable if you are looking in that direction.

I would still choose an alarm over buying a camera. Sounds like a good way to spend your stimulus check.
Hope this doesn't sound callous, but consider yourself lucky. I had a complete 1973 Jeep Renegade stolen - cops did nothing.

A hit and run driver (No license, stolen tags, unregistered vehicle) hit and totaled my 1977 Jeep CJ5. He almost killed someone in another car which he also took out. He was caught and is an illegal immigrant. Guess what, the case was dismissed without even telling me. I called several times, they can't even find a record of it.

So I'm out 2 Jeeps.

Moral of the story: We are on our own. If I catch someone messing with my latest CJ5, someones going to jail. Probably me.:x

p.s. sorry for the rant.
No need to apologize Dave, I think we all understand that we have more love for our property then your average flat foot. Its up to us to take additional measures to secure what is ours, whether it be with alarms, camaras or a rattle snake tied to the shifter.
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What in the heck is wrong with people who can't keep their hands off? I had my jeep "inventoried" by the ex-con bank robber who lives next door once. He was so smart, he went around the neighborhood in the SNOW.. HA!

Tracks led from his back door.. around the neighborhood to each individual car and down the hill and around the neighborhood and back up the hill and INTO his front door and he STILL was not charged with ANYTHING! The cops just couldn't fig-er it out.
Thank God I have horrid taste in music and have no money! Many people were ripped off royally. Never heard anything. He then went on to rob the local Sovereign Bank a few years later for crack money :bootyshake: . He served 6 weeks and was let out with the understanding that he would have to submit to two drugs tests per week. Now don't confuse THIS guy with my other neighbor.. who dismembered his dear brother.. ( Oh come on! He said he only dismembered him because he was easier to transport that way! Geez.. give a guy a break...he isn't THAT callous!) I don't think he's getting out any time soon. GOD BLESS AMERICA!