Jeep in high winds question


New member
Idaho Springs

well, I am in the path of Isabel.....I want to go out and have a little fun in it;)
anyone have any experience with their jeep in high winds...say50-75 mph,and if so how did it respond?
(84 cj7,stock more or less)

I loooooove the power of nature and wicked storms,but dont want to have gusts turn me over lol
best of luck to everyone in Isabel's path!!

My advice, stay away from trees. We had a wind storm come through Memphis at the end of July with gusts up to about 100mph but sustained winds around 60 or so. It did alot of damage around here, power was out for 2 weeks. I wasn't out in it but a few people I know were and it scared the *heck* out of them. There was debris in the air that you can't avoid and healthy trees getting knocked down into the street and on top of houses.

My advice....don't.

But if you careful, and have fun. I would probably do it to were I a younger, single man with no kids.
Your in one of the worst possible vehicles to be in for that kind of storm, you'll catch more wind than most others and have a narrower track width, a bad combination. Good luck, and use your head :shock:

thanks guys,
doubt ill go out in it,pretty wicked out there and i can just picture a nice tree limb missile coming thru the soft top lol
maybe ill go out later when the worst has passed....i just love big storms and the adrenaline ;)

If you have a soft top you will have that to worry about as well. If it were me I think I would drive inland as far as I had to just to avoid that whole weather thing. To each his own but I do not mess with Mother Nature when she is up set. You are not going to win if she turns on you. tug
Saw Something Funny Today!

I know when its windy my jeep is as arrow dynamic as a brick on the raod and I cant say Ive ever seen winds like that. Stay in and watch from there, where its safe. Good luck. Its getting windy here on the cape, but definitly not like what your getting. Let us know.......
Well I just came from DC to Baltimore in 40 MPH winds and it was the ride from hell!!! I'm glad I didn't wait any longer, as it is only going to get worse!
Stay put.

Ol' Whitey didn't let me down, but she rocked quite a bit :shock:
alrighty, don't have to work is expected to hit us at about 1AM tonight... i'm gonna fill the tank up and go have me some fun

Riding around spashing through puddles is one thing :lol: , but driving in this stuff at highway speed in a jeep, and at least in my case - a lifted 4banger with a soft top, is insanity and no fun at all :( .
Well, I wouldn't recomend going out during or before the storm, but it shold be pretty fun to go after the storm. Maybe you can go and help stranded motorist or something. Use your Jeep wisely. I've been using my Jeep in this constant rain, and I love it. I still have my hard top off (bikini top on only), and it sure is fun going to GIANT puddles and mudd holes.-al
What is the Best Soft Top to Buy?

yeah i decided to play it safe and just went out after the storm to survey damage...then took advanatge of all the extra mud and puddles at my local offroad spots this weekend:)