jeep wave


New member

why is it that cherokee, grand cherokee, liberty drivers don't return the "wave" ? do they not know or care about it? is our jeep family turning disfunctional?[addsig]


Around Atlanta, the XJ WJ and KJ are nothing more than rich folks that have no clue what "Jeeper" means. They just want a good looking Ride. I think they made the right choice, even if they don't wave. Just keep waving, they will catch on.[addsig]

yeah my 65 year old granny bought a big ole grand cherokee I tried to explane this whole wave thing to her...feh..old people "why should I wave at other cars?, My arm is going to get tired from all the waving" then when you tell her just at jeeps the blank look of why...lost cause if you ask me. but I still wave to all jeepers..I think the old people might just think they know you cause there too old to tell the differnce anyways[addsig]


i believe that the wave was started as a sign by the short wheelbase jeep community... not for the jeep name. But... anything MADE BY jeep IS a jeep. the term "jeep" is most commonly referring to the cj/wrangler.... If someone says... "so and so drives a red jeep"... most people would right away think of a short wheelbase jeep. If you ask me, a jeep is a jeep, regardless of style, model, age, etc.... but unfortunately... that is not the most commonly rounded thought. [addsig]

I would never even think to "wave" to someone in a grand cherokee. Not that I don't like them...I've got several familiy members who drive them. I come from a long line of jeep fanatics, but, come on, you can't tell me there is not a difference between someone cruising around w/ heated leather seats and someone cruising around in an open top wrangler in fifty degree weather. In our family you either drive a jeep (cherokee, liberty, whatever) OR you drive a jeep jeep (wrangler). "The wave" belongs to the wrangler, a salute to ruggedness.
p.s. not trying to be a wrangler snob, but I won't expect the wave if I ever go to the other models!

edited by: Noli, Mar 31, 2003 - 09:24 PM[addsig]

Got to tell you Noli,
You're doing a fine job with your post.

You said, "A salute to ruggedness".

Roger that.

K9-Kena OUT[addsig]


LOL, I gave a one finger salute/wave to a Liberty, this morning. I was coming up on a red light and there was maybe 1 1/2 car lengths between the car in front of me and I. This Liberty cuts right in and I almost hit it. He had a "It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand" sticker. So at the next intersection he pulls into the left left turn lane and I ended up next to him in the right left turn lane. He looks over at me and I saluted. He rolled down his power window and asked what the hell. I said, "It's a Jeep thing, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! Now quit driving like you're in an SUV and more like a Jeeper" He didn't understand.[addsig]

come to think of it, the only person who ever waved back driving a grand cherokee is my wife.{ she better wave, it was a gift!! } i love my cj-7, i'll drive that damn thing over, under, through anything you can throw at me but i gotta tell ya that on a 200 mile road trip those heated leather seats sure are nice! best of both worlds ya know.[addsig]

I've got a xj and I wave to everyone. Or wave back when someone waves to me I wave back.

but when i wave no one waves back.



This is my theory on why the wave is so popular among the short wheel base jeeps. When I got my TJ I found myself looking intently at the other CJ, JY, TJs that might coming rolling down the road. Trying to see what mods or who was driving. Well if your staring that hard the other person is staring right back at you looking at the same stuff you might as well wave otherwise its just creepy. I just dont think MOST (not all) of the large jeep drivers look that hard at other jeeps so they wouldnt see you waving til the end.

P.S. I wave at everyone in my ZJ too.

edited by: judge09, Apr 01, 2003 - 04:57 PM[addsig]

Most of the time I'm too busy talking on the cell and if someone waves at me it's with the finger :lol: [addsig]