

New member
Anyone interested in getting a gathering of members together for a weekend or something. We do this on our bike sites and we have blast. There are great places to meet, camp, and wheel here in NW arkansas.

In fact we even have a dedicated private camp ground and wheeling spot here. Then of course there is Hot Springs too. Disney/Grand dam in right across border in Oklahoma.

Maybe we could make annual event out of it. Just a good reason to wheel meet each other and have a kick ass weekend.

Any takers??

sounds like a good idea, maybe you can put the event together, i'm in to take a trip anywhere, for the most part


Like PASmoke said there is one in the works but we can never have enough set up. The bigest problem is we live in so many places that we can not all get togather at any one place. We have had a couple of mini meets here at my place and you can do the same. The secret to haven one is just invite and when the ones that can come showes up have it. Boston area been doing it, Texas did it, Utah does it, Tennessee did it, Pa does it, Now we got mid western wanting to do it. Mini meets all over will soner or later turn into bigger meets and soon we can all quite our jobs and four wheel all the time all over. I wish. Tug
I agree meets work well. But I would love to try and have an big meet where everyone who can make it do. a Grand meet. Soundman is planning one on the Colorado area and I am planning on making that one for sure. But to be truthful I also wish to meet some of you east coasters as well. We sit here and trade insults and idea's. Thoughts and concerns. And I have come to respect those people I know not as Rob, bob or Sue but as PA, Tug and stuff. Personaly I would like to put a real face to these names and meet the person behind them.
So if we can plan one grand meet, one that we can gather enough Jeeps and people to give the local police, state police and the local national guard concern ( the roudies that we are lol) that would be great. Ya something like a Jeep jambroree but without the 250$ sur-charge.
One that we all wish to attend.

I plan to build a Jeep worth of a trailer ride to parts unknown this winter and I tohope to meet up with the folks I have gotten to know here. I am all for a biggie some where. I would like to get ol Sully down and pick on him and shake the hand of so many here. I can say this for sure and with out a dought I have never meet a Jeepz.comer that I did no like. Hope to some day meet all of you. Tug
Mini meets all over will soner or later turn into bigger meets and soon we can all quite our jobs and four wheel all the time all over. I wish.

LOL I vote for what tug said.
