June "POTM" Riddler and JKS


New member
I'm a little behind posting this months "Products of the Month" due to getting ready and being out on a wheeling trip the first part of the month. So sorry about the delay. So...

June's "Products of the Month" are from...


Riddler makes an amazing diff cover. Not only does it look great, but it'll stand up to whatever punishment you can give it. So they are both functional and fashionable!

All Riddler Diff covers feature:
- Lifetime Guarantee
- Lip free smooth transition design
- Recessed fasteners
- Made from high grade ductile iron
- Raised fill plug
- CNC Machined
- Recess for locker actuator on Jeep Rubicon Axles
And...ALL Riddler covers will receive FREE SHIPPING!

JKS Manufacturing

JKS makes a ton of excellent products! Everything from sway bar disconnect, adjustable trackbars, ACOS (adjustable coil spacers) and many other products that will stand up to what ever you can through at it.

And...all JKS products listed on MoonWorks OffRoad will receive FREE SHIPPING!

More details about JKS and Riddler products can be found on Home Page . Please check out the site and e-mail or call me with any questions.