Just got some bad news...


New member
Just thought I would share this... One of my 15 year old brothers best friends was just killed on a wave runner in Mexico at the age of 14. He fell off and another wave runner struck him, causing massive head injuries. This young man was set to enter high school and was a tremendous athlete and an incredibly friendly and fun young man to be around, his dad witnessed the accident and its been very tough on their family as well as everyone and all the families that new him. Its just sad to see a promising life extinguished at such a young age.

I'm so sorry about that man. You are all in my prayers.

This just aint a good year all around. I am sad to hear this about your friend. I adore waverunners myself but in watching others on them, I do see how they can become dangerous real quick. I will pray for this boy's family and for your brother to be able to deal with the loss. Take care now.


Sorry to hear that news, Lane. Will say a prayer for all.
Very sad indeed. Death is always a terrible fact of life. So very sorry for everyone involved.

Just wanted to say thanks to all of you. It really means alot to me and my brother, I showed him and a few of his friends your replies and they were all very moved. Again, it seems like you are all always there when someone needs it, and I got to experience that first hand, thanks again.

This has been a tragic summer all around!! Prayers for the family involved and all affected by this.