Mail Jeep needs help - firing order?


New member
I bought an old mail jeep 1078 and am in the process of rebuilding it for a part time job as a rural carrier. I believe I have a 4 cyl 2.5 litre engine and it was running when I bought it but severe hesitation with accelerator use even when warm. I did not check the firing sequence before replacing the plugs/wires, rotor and distributor cap. The jeep willl not run now with the 1-3-4-2 firing sequence. It will however run if I fire it at 2-4-3-1. Backwards? What gives? Possible distributor 180 out? I don't know what has been done to this engine previously

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I moved your post here - don't have an answer to your question myself, but someone should be along shortly.
I will check with one of my buddys that has some of the old postal jeeps. I do remember him going on about a four cylinder with wackey fireing order. you probaly have it right but sounds like the vaccum advanc is messed up.

since its hard to read
on eng its 4 3 2 1
on cap its 1 3 2 4 clock wise rotation
hope this helps
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