MAY 2 Paragon Monthly ride.


New member
Was anybody at the monthly ride at Paragon this month. I was in group g+f and we did blues all day. Two trucks broke but it didnt take long to get them going and we had a great day. Tom and Mike where were you guys. I know I am half blind and always walk past you but i definitly didnt see ya. I should have called tom but i left the number at home. Maybe we'll see you next month. Made some new friends and told them anout the site. Maybe they will join up. We did a few good climbs. Alot of rocks and I actually managed to get some trail damage myself this time. Bent a front tie plate and broke a rear shock mount weld. Nothing an hour or two cant fix. I am not going to blame myself for the damage though. My wife drove some tough sections while I spotted and shes got to learn not to be so hard on the truck. Shes heavy on the pedal into the washouts and had our hood completely under water. Yes that snorkel works well. A few of the guys that are there each month were on hand and it seemed averyone had a great time. Sorry no picts. My lense on my camera phone got smashed. Hope to see some Jeepz memebers next month. If a few of us show up we could make our own group. Happy trails.

i was in group g i belive on saturday tom was the trail guid. we ran undertaker rattler and a few other upper blues and low blacks
Research paper and my topic is jeeps

Tom (Paragon guide) has a white TJ.
He Just Cut his finger off stacking rocks....
Not Me Tom White :)

i was in the green rio grand yj had my girlfriend and her little sister with me.
Sorry I couldnt answer back. Was away for a few days. I was in the teal blue YJ with my wife and the dog.

finishing the bronco. we were there on sunday. Your usually a sunday person too ?