Mom takes kids for first swim of 2005!


New member
Yep you heard it right. While Deb and I were out for our Sunday ride we witnessed the whole thing. :shock:


Have a nice day!


RE: stock suspension what tires?

Ahhhhhhh... the softer side of NiteDog!

Nice pic.
I was up in PA working on the house this weekend, and this morning I went out to romp around on a neighbor's property in the XJ (with permission ;) ). Coming back I almost ran over a mother goose and her goslings crossing my street. Sure am glad I was taking my time.

Great pic! Gotta love spring.
RE: girl + jeep

I have lost my love for those little crap factories. Those geese crap all over Syracuse. My office was always covered everywhere and the golf courses were just nasty. The little ones might be cute but they grow up and poop everywhere.
RE: girl + jeep

judge09 wrote:

I have lost my love for those little crap factories. Those geese crap all over Syracuse. My office was always covered everywhere and the golf courses were just nasty. The little ones might be cute but they grow up and poop everywhere.


So true!

As if golf weren't hard enough! I hate it when I have to putt around a goose pile. (There should be a rule about that.) And ... have you ever had to clean goose doo-doo from your spikes? Nasty, I tell you!

And then, there are those daredevil, teenaged gooses that play chicken with airliner engines and windshields ...

