My Jeep got broken into


Staff member
Thursday night I was going to bed around 11:30 when my wife noticed someone in our driveway. By the time I got outside, he had already driven off. I checked my Jeep and found that my Ipod and some other stuff was stolen - about $300 worth.

Once I realized what happened, I hopped in the Jeep and went to look for him. I had almost given up and turned into a gas station where a cop was parked when I saw his car at the stoplight! I busted a U, and pulled up behind him and got his plate - by then the cop was leaving, so I flagged him down and told him that guy has broke into my Jeep.

The cop took my info, and the plate number, but didn't think that I'd ever see my stuff again, because I couldn't prove who had stolen my stuff (too dark to see his face), but they would go buy and talk to him. The thief was long gone by this point.

In hindsight I should have followed the thief. For that matter I should have had my alarm on (it's chased off people in the past), but I hadn't armed it at home in the past. I'm pretty bummed that this guy has gotten away, but I guess it's a lesson learned.

Bummer Terry , and I feel your pain. Thank the jeep gods they didnt destroy your jeep trying to pull the stereo or other stuff.
Hey Terry, I feel your pain, a few months ago my jee was sitting in my driveway and someone came by and cut my drivers side soft window out and took my backpack full of books for college and my ipod. Not only did i lose my stuff, but I've had to tie up my window with shoelaces and duck tape.
Not only did i lose my stuff, but I've had to tie up my window with shoelaces and duck tape.

Now that's insult to injury. I've given up locking the jeep. Durying the day I leave it open with the alarm on, but since I live in a good neighborhood :rolleyes: I didn't think to turn the alarm on at night...

Sucks to hear that Terry. But, I've got one that might make you feel better. a few years back, I drove my dad's 97 Cherokee to my girlfriends house. (Pretty nice neighborhood) Later that night, went out to leave, but couldn't find my keys. Must have Fell in the seat when I went to put them in my coat pocket. Jeep was gone.......... Come to find out, I left my cell in the cupholder and the guy started making calls. That's how the investigators linked the theft to him. The cops found the jeep about 2-3 weeks later abandoned in the city lot. Busted transmission. They caught him and he admitted to stealing 15-20 prior vehicles. GAH!!! I can't stand a Theif!
GAH!!! I can't stand a Thief!

The "Law" is too easy on thieves, vandals, crooks, creeps, felons, rapists, child molesters, and even murderers.

I for one am sick and tired of these low lifes walking around with immunity because slick lawyers (and judges) will have them back on the streets in no time IF they are ever caught.

And then the bleeding hearts spend their time trying to "understand" why these jerks do what they do. Must be because of poverty, or bad family situations/upbringing, or society in general. Give me a break! A lot of people have started out in life with tough situations and yet NEVER hurt anybody.

Go easy on crime and crime will flourish.

In the "Everything Else" Forum here at Jeepz I talked about my MJ being vandalized recently.

Sorry for the rant...and sorry you had to be a victim of this nonsense Terry.

Its never the criminals fault, according to liberals. The poor b'tards cant help how they were brought up. Its f'n BS.

The sad thing was my jeep was unlocked. If anyone wanted my backpack they coulda just grabbed it and left but noooooo, they had to wreck my top as well.
I feel your pain Terry. about 15 yrs. ago, before my jeep days. i woke up in my second floor apt. at around 2 a.m.. i kept hearing doors open and shut. so i peaked my head out my bedroom window and saw at least 3 individuals going in and out of my car hauling my speakers and subwoofer box to their car. i immediately reached for my faithful colt .45 and took a couple of shots. it was dark in that parking lot but i could still make out the movements of their bodies. 2 scattered down the alley and one of them got in their car and peeled out. i shot 3 more towards the car. i threw some clothes on and grabbed my mag light. i searched for any blood trails but no hit. by this time the cops are rolling in every direction trying to locate the shots fired reported by my neighbors. as soon as a spot light got on my face i raised both hands as they approached me. they asked about the shots fired in the neighborhood and i admitted to it. i informed them that my pistol is in the bedroom table. so after all the questioning i went through, they contacted the local hospitals that would have any gunshot wound victims to be reported to the detective in charge of the case.none of my stuff was ever recovered. i had wires coming out of my dashboard and plastic trims that had to be replaced with the whole dashboard. i know this sounds a bit drastic but i have 0 tolerance for Thieves and Rapist. shoot first and ask questions later. although i now reside in the texas Hill Country i still dont let my guard down. everything in my jeep was built with my labor and sweat and lots of money. if its not locked down, i take it with me.
The best thing to do is notfollow them. Some guy did that locally and was shot and he later on died because he followed the thiefs to gas station. Is your life worth the$300 that they took? Things can be replaced, but your family cant replace you.

The best thing to do is notfollow them. Some guy did that locally and was shot and he later on died because he followed the thiefs to gas station. Is your life worth the$300 that they took? Things can be replaced, but your family cant replace you.

I tend to agree with this. I managed to pull up behind him and get his plate number, but from behind I could have been any car - I'm sure he had no idea who I was.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention - on Saturday night (I was robbed Thursday night) the neighbor two houses down got his car broken into.

The cops still haven't called me to talk about my theft.
There is no life worth any money. its the life they choose to live will be the same that will end it. Here in Texas there is a law that states : An individual has the right to protect his properties even with deadly force. and Joseph is right in every way. Nobody can replace you, its not worth getting your life taken away. besides, we need you here to keep us inline. :)

Sorry to hear that Terry. That sucks. I've had my Jetta broken into. The only way I knew they got in was because I had my receipts in a certain place and they were scattered in my front seat. My neighbor got his backpack stolen that same night. I keep a loaded gun by the bed. I'm not one to pick a fight but I'll be damned if someone will come into my home and not meet some resistance.
I feel better today - talked to a detective on the phone. He took my description of the suspect and said he was going to get the kid out of class and question him. He seemed like a real hard a$$ and said "I'm gonna grill him like they do on the cop shows". :twisted:
I feel better today - talked to a detective on the phone. He took my description of the suspect and said he was going to get the kid out of class and question him. He seemed like a real hard a$$ and said "I'm gonna grill him like they do on the cop shows". :twisted:

WOOO WHOOO!!! Great to hear that Terry!! BOOK EM' DANO! :purple::sawzall:

nice, good luck man, sounds like u got a good detective
bummer terry. people ask why i have 5 cable locks in the jeep and hasps on all lids doors and compartments !
Really sucks, Terry!!! Don't have a whole lot more to contribute......disappointed once again in humankind.