My neighbor


New member
God, I feel bad for this lady. :(

We have lived next door to her since 1997. Her husband of 53 years died two years ago this last August and her daughter gave her a dog, her dog, to be a companion to her. The dog was a old shepherd mix and just a perfect friend to keep her from being lonely. The dog was 13 and she died last night, my kids are over there everyday and me and the wife went over to hear about the dog. This lady in her 70's lost her husband and now her dog, she is really upset.
She asked me to check her tires for an out of town trip and as I was, my wife noticed some POS had keyed her two year old Pearl White Cadillac CTS! This ####hole went all the way around, hit every panel and to the metal in several places! She told us, it just happened about two days ago, she thinks in the WalMart parking lot and she wasn't planning on turning it in to insurance because she was afraid it would cost them too much to fix her car.
I had a long talk with her and convinced her to file a claim and make them fix it. After all, she has been paying for insurance for years and hasn't collected anything from them in over 10 years.

I just feel so bad for her, having all of this happen. I hope the punk(s) that did that to her car, get something nice in return someday down the road.
My family does everything we can for her to keep her from moving into a rest home.
What do you all think about bringing a good older, mature dog by for her to look at?

90, that would be a good idea. I bet she would appreciate a new friend, but I would give her a couple of weeks to grieve. Pound dogs make the best friends in my opinion.
Don't go too old, but old enough that it doesn't outlive her. Maybe look for dogs that people are fostering and are up for adoption over a dog from the pound or shelter.
I hope the punk(s) that did that to her car, get something nice in return someday down the road.

I believe that happens more often than you may think, or I like to think it does.

Another dog would be good, as long as it isn't high maintenance or too old.

This lady is lucky to have neighbors like your family.

If your area has one, look for a rescue agency dog. If run properly, the agency will foster the dog and screen them for bad habits, house-train them, and always checks out potential owners to make sure they are a good match.

I have a 7 year old golden retriever from Memphis Area Golden Retriever Rescue. Four years ago, they knew I was working too much to train a puppy, but found a great 3 year old who has no problem staying alone at home during the day, was already housebroken, and enjoys a thirty minute walk or run each day. She has never destroyed furniture, and is always personable with other dogs and people.

This organization takes in abandoned golden retrievers and has placed them as far as New England and Canada, in partnership with other rescue agencies.
Anyone interested can check out
It is really tragic that some piece of !#@$ would do that to anybody, espcially to a 70 year old woman. I think another dog would be a great idea.
Maybe should could go with you to pick one out. Either way it would make her loses a little more bearable.

Cheers to you and your family!! 8) 8)
thanks too all of you!

I think I want to give it a week, like Krazy said, let her deal with the loss a little.

We do have a wonderful animal shelter rescue organization here.
I think I will drop by and tell them so they can be looking for the right match.

She needs a dog thats really calm and won't run around her while she is walking, as to cause her to trip accidentally. Most of these animals that they place are pending being put down in less than 5 days, so that is a win-win.

That's awesome of you guys to do. I think elderly folks are treated so badly in our society that it makes me sick.

Good for you guys.
I worry about these things. My Dad started his personal decline when he got a dog. Cute thing and very friendly. My Dad loved that dog for the few months that he had him.

One day my Dad was feeding him, and the dog (antsy with anticipation) just jumped up on his leg. My Dad lost his footing and fell. It was not really the dog's fault, but in the fall my dad broke his hip.

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I don't even know if I will replace Molly when she dies (she is nine years old now). I beleive in a commitment to what ever animals I have. I'm 54 and I think I will live a lot longer, but you never know. I have made provisions in my will for her future well being after I am gone.

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I also have cats. One of my cats lived for 23 years. Another lived for 22 years. The current cats are 9 and 6 respectively.

When the 23 year old cat died I went into a depression. I missed my friend. My co-workers felt sorry for me. They went out and bought a cat. I found it hard to accept Bowie. It was just too soon. I berated my friends for doing that, but it was not Bowie's fault, so I kept him. He is my 9 year old cat now.

Bowie does have some physical problems. He has the feline equivalent of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. He also has detached retinas.

It can be a real trial living with a cat that has IBS. Because of that alone, I am so glad that Bowie came to me so he does get proper care.

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Keep those things in mind as you work with your neighbor to ease her loneliness.