Respecting your need for a proper diagram . Although a diagram SHOULD show the correct placement of ignition wires starting from #1 and so forth in the correct rotation , I've seen inconsistencies for whatever reason and can't always rely on one . My suggestion is to confirm #1 cylinder TDC compression stroke timing mark zero degrees and set the number one spark plug wire where the rotor lands and start the firing order from there . As you know , dwell isn't ere possible on these distributors . They are fixed and there fore cannot be adjusted . The PCM ere handles all advance/retard spark timing. Don't pull the distributor if there is no need , you'll just complicate things for yourself. Mark the rotor alignment on the distributor housing so when the cap is on you'll know where the rotor faces . Just be certain of the distributor rotation so the ignition wires are placed correctly . I know this is elementary and I'm sure your skills are beyond this remedial explanation but folks outside the forum read as they research and we owe all who come here proper information . If I left out anything , all are free to comment .