New Hampshire's not too bad


Staff member
I've been in Portsmouth NH for a couple of days now (flying out tomorrow), and the little bit I've been able to see has been pretty impressive. I think I like New Hampshire (at least I like NH in August).

I asked in the office about winter here, since I've got family in Boston who say the winters there are rough. The reply was "those southerners down in Boston don't know anything about winter". Are the winters here as bad as all that?

Not a lot of difference in weather between Portsmouth new hampshire and boston. It's only about 50 miles between them and both are costal comunities. Most of the time it hovers around freezing in both places. If you want cold and snow, You have to come inland and into the mountains. Them southeners don't know what brutal is.
Bring your Jeep you'll be fine... oh and a hat, gloves and a SHOVEL.DSCN3291.JPGThis is on 10/30/11.
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