Nominate a new moderator.


Staff member
Well guys, It looks like we need to add some moderators. I'm trying to think of the most fair way to do this, so here's what I have. We'll have a period of a week or two where people are allowed to nominate others for the positions of moderator for General Chat, and CJ,YJ, TJ forums. I am not sure how many mods we will have in the end (either 2 or 3 per forum). At the present time, I will keep the current moderators, these new ones will be in addition to.

I believe that once we get the list of candidates narrowed down, we'll then have a poll (if there are too many, I may narrow it down to a handfull myself).

I will not have any negative comments in this thread. If you don't like a person that was nominated, just keep it to yourself, and it will come out in the voting. Also, I hate to turn this into a popularity contest, but I don't see a better way. Having said that, your comments/suggestions about this proccess would be much appreciated.

I suspect this thread will get pretty long, so lets try to keep long winded replys to a minimum.

Simply list the person's forum username and the forum for which they should be moderator. As would be expected, that person needs to accept or decline.
lets do it like this:

forum - nominee

so it will be easy to read. Remember, there are two forms that need more mods
To All,

I am honored -- very honored -- to have been nominated as a prospective moderator of

Thank you, very much, but I must decline the nomination.

To paraphrase General William Tecumseh Sherman: "If nominated, I will not mod; if elected, I will not moderate."

I can think of several very talented and knowledgeable long-time members who more properly deserve the honor of a nomination.

Your very grateful,


Inspector G, You alwaays claim to have soo much time on your hands, why not put it to use as a MOD? Sorry to hear that you are declineing the nomination, but you should really reconsider.
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Before we vote on someone for a moderator, why not first find out if they're interested or how many people are interested, then we can vote from there.

i am unaware of the type of responsibility and time involved... i have no objection to trying it out... but then, the only promise i've ever made is "i won't promise" With my line of work, i can never be sure on how much time i'll have for anything... but... i've seen my name in there a few times, it is honorable to be thought of... if it does come to a decision of me being a part of the mod squad, i'll do what i can
Snitty would be great at it. He has a good outlook on the petty stuff as he sees not agreeing as ok long as it dont get all personal. To disagree is ok to discuss it is ok just dont get personal.

Snitty you have plenty of time all you have to do is read the post "you do all ready" and help the poor souls that get lost in the wilderness and loose their cool about it. You would be my choice as well. Tug

I would be honored to join your squad of moderators.I will help in any way I can.Thanks for thinking of me.
To Terry:

Sully - General Chat

To All:

My nomination should not be construed as a preference for one person over another. As I stated in a previous post, I think that there are any number of members moderator qualified by virtue of expertise and temperament.

My nomination indicates only that I see an opportunity to provide a young person with an opportunity to experience, experiment and grow.


Just out of curiosity, what is the reason for new moderators? Are the old ones not performing their job, or just not as active as they were oh say a year ago?

Are we, the diciples getting a little out of hand that it requires us to be better watched over or is it the occasional "NOB" that comes along and disrupts out little corner to the web?

I am not trying to be an a$$ (even though I usually end up being one) I am rather very curious?

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jps4jeep said:
Just out of curiosity, what is the reason for new moderators?
terrymason said:
It looks like we need to add some moderators. At the present time, I will keep the current moderators, these new ones will be in addition to.
I believe it's due to increased membership, and post volume in the General and CJ/YJ/TJ forums.