oil stick-- not going in...??


New member
ust put together my new 4banger, and the oil stick doesn't want to go all the way in. It gets all the way up to "wavy" part, but it actually feels like it's tapping something metal when i shove it as far as possible.

it also shows little or no oil when put in as far as possible. what you think??
The tube may have gotten bent and changed the angle where the bottom of the tube directs the dipstick to drop in. It might take some trial and error taking it off and figuring out which way to reshape the tube.

I believe it may have been angled into the block just so it was falling right on top of the oil pump.

got it adjusted and i'm all set!

it definitely wasn't just a wiggle and push job, there was something in the way.

Thanks guys!:shades: