Ok, I had to post it.

That guy put more value on $25 than he did his self respect.

A good name is more desirable than great riches;
to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.

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This is good. I hope this guy gets what he deserves. I hate people who try and screw others over. I'm only on page 7 right now and have run out of time to read the rest.....don't tell me what happens in the end.
Oh, thanks for that, Out.....I've just wasted the better part of a day reading this!! Seriously, though, I heard about this on the 10pm news last night....simply amazing. He seriously needs to get a ticket to Siberia for the rest of his life....he'll never, ever live this down.

It was a segment they have every Sat. night where people call or email questions, and one person had emailed a question about "Getting Wenzel'd". The anchor had heard the story from several places, one of which was through "dozens of emails". Because the station policies do not allow them to report on such matters, they didn't go into detail, only to say that it appears to be a widely known "true occurrence" from an "offroad message board".
Well let me be the one to throw a kink in it. Always step up to the plate, even for the nasty. lol

I see where this guy went wrong but I don't see where it was or is necessary to bring his private life into it includingi personal information, pictures, etc.

I think that stuff should stay where it belongs, in private. I'd sue someone if they posted all that personal information about me.

Just my opinion. All in all, I didn't read the 50+ page of bickering. It only took a few to figure out what was going on. Definatly a nasty situation.

He decided to keep the guys money and not send the parts, he got what he deserved. Its one thing to try fraudulent activities when you are anonymous, but to try it when the victim knows your name and address is just retarded.

Everything they produced was public information, you would be surprised by what is out there and what is considered public information, you can't sue because someone posted public information. In fact there are a lot of services out there that make really good money selling all your public information to anyone who is willing to pay for it.

I spend a good part of my day at work tracking down peoples assets through public information searches, people make much more responseable decisions when they find themselves and their assets out in the light of day.

It gets really interesting now that satellite imaging with resolutions of less than a meter are readily available, sometimes you can see the person you're looking for sitting in a lawnchair in their back yard.

Yeah, the guy got what was coming to him. Or almost got it. I still say he needs the snot beat out of him, just for being such a d*ck about it. I'm not a violent person, and don't condone violence, but there are some instances where that's all a person understands. Even after being shown the error of his ways a couple hundred times, he still showed no remorse and acted like a tough guy, talking crap and making threats. Around here, he'd be lucky to have eyebrows and kneecaps after pulling that.
Out of Step,

Just because the information is "somewhere" out there doesn't mean it is fair or right.

Of course I don't believe in doing people wrong but I don't believe in vindictiveness (especially on a grand scale) either.

All people will get what they deserve in the end, good or bad. I'm not going to argue this, really! lol

To each his own, I guess.

i have my .02cents littered about in that post, my user name on there is the same as here. he got what he deserved but now all the other people coming over and giving it to him as well has just gotten out of hand. the post is now ended at 72 pages and all the visitiors were slowing up the site so that i couldnt even search... it was suckin bad...needless to say he got what he deserved
i dont know if mike ever got his money back or not, i dont know that he has posted, but wenzel did post up an apology
i think they've locked the thread to outsiders. I can't see it. So, what ended up happening? I read the first 2 or 3 pages, and then it went blank.

How did they get back at him other than the flaming, and posting of his IP addy?

Full name and address, parents names and address, phone number, work name, address, phone number, email, parents photos, yearbook photos, etc. Then the photoshops started, too funny, especially him bent over a ring gear and, ouch, the pinion gear......
Lady I agree with you. Exposing this guy's personal info was just as low as what he did if not lower. Dishonesty was greeted with immaturity and as you said, vindictiveness.

Hard to believe all this over a measley $25. On the news??? People have got it pretty good if that is all they have time to concern themselves with.

Interesting stuff. Well it certainly puts into perspective the different environment of this online "arena" in which many of us like to dwell. It's a whole different animal and that guy (hopefully) learned a hard lesson.

My point wasnt in regards to the what is fair, right, nice, or otherwise related to an emotion, my point was a counterpoint to your inserting the guise of a lawsuit

Everyone sue's over the littlest transgression now, but thats a topic for a different day ;-)