piston ring tests?


New member
ok, i was told that if i may need new piston rings if when i accelerate smoke comes out, and also i am burning oil,and to find out if it is the piston rings then i need to do a compression check and write the compression of each cylinder down, then put a little oil in, then do it again, and if the compression goes up then i need new piston rings. well guess what, i tested pistons 1 and 2. piston 1 was at 86, then went up to 126 after i put oil in, and piston 2 was at 126, and went up to 180 after i put oil in. so from the looks of it, i need new piston rings. one question though, is there any other tests i can perform to see if it the piston rings, becuase i dont want to start replacing them and find out i didnt need to, because thats a big job, any input will help greatly, thanks.

I don't see what more proof you need. After this you be, well, ...

Thoul shall now bitteth the 'Bullet and do thy deed in need of doing! Stinks to have to go in there and go through the trouble of all of that. while you have the head off go ahead and do a valve job too. tug
you can do a leak down test, but you need a funky little tool for that and a compressor, if you can get the tool and compressor or if you have it just fill the cylinder with compressed air up to about 150 PSI and see if it will hold the air, if it doesnt you can fill it again and try to listen at the exhaust for air leaks there if you have a burnt exhaust valve, at the radiator for air bubblesif you have a blown gasket, or at the throttle for a burnt intake valve, not a hard test if you ahve the tools

oh yea, if the intake exhaust and gasket are good then it only leaves one thing...... RINGS
good advice, i'll have to do this compression test on my yj soon.
it's impossible for me to keep my speed up on any small inclines, even on the highway.
Not too fun when you're being chased by taxis in NYC...