Planning a trail ride???


New member

I live in Texas and want to know if anyone
from my neighboring states has any good ideas
on where some of us could meet in the middle and
plan another JEEPZ.COM TRAIL RIDE???? Any input
send it my way with a web site preferably..... :-D [addsig]


Good move J. If you build it they will come. If they come you will all have a great time. The bonds of wheelin togather are strong. But just so you can not say so I offer this warning. After your Jeep Pals go away you feel sad! But it is worth it! hehehehehe Tug[addsig]

Well thankyou Tug for the motivation and inspiration
you all have given me to move this way and want to do this

I know you are sad when your 4WD buddies are gone.... :-(

But one day with a little at a time we can bring them all
together for a grand CAMP JEEPZ.COM ROUND-UP... :-D :-D [addsig]

J...send me your email address and I'll send you a copy of the waiver and rules and regs..these have both been approved by Terry, and I think he would apprecieate them being used on anything associated with ( whole lotta stupid legal stuff lol)

My email is


Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]


j, i think we shoud have the next one here in Arkansas at the superlift park.....but no im not biased ;-) [addsig]

That sounds good to me I will second that ....let us hear some
more come on people .....Send me some info Far-right.... :-D [addsig]

Hellllllooooooooooooooooo??? Your jeep isn't
just for city driving any more ...hahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]


sorry.... i was logged on here, but wasnt here....haha..... what kind of more info do you want, i will be happy to help in every way i can!! :-D tell me what ya want done and ill try to help [addsig]

I really need to get a count on where people live
to cater it to a general area....But no one wants
to post back they are scared to
drive there jeeps.... :-? :-D [addsig]

i know rockwrangler would come, he is just a little further than me.... and tug would come for sure ;-) :-D [addsig]


It is about a 8 hr drive for me I am sure I could pull a couple people
from Texas to go so ...I just got to get a month and a few days that
people have in mind...... :-D [addsig]

Im out in arizona, if its gonna be somewhere close enough for me to drive to i might join yall in your little adventure. You should plan an overnight kind of thing that way everyone isnt driving miles and miles just for a little 1 day thing. Come up with a place and a date and i'll tell you if i can make it. :-O :-D :-O :-D :-O [addsig]

It will be atleast a 2-3 day event ...some may stay longer
and others may go sooner but I will keep you updated
when and where... :-D [addsig]


Aite Bro, sounds like a plan. Im going up to the Oregon Dunes all next week to go camping and wheeling with my dad. I cant take my jeep yet cuz its not done but were going in his little suzuki sidekick, not a jeep, but still fun. :-O :-D :-O :-D :-O [addsig]