Please help my YJ!!!


New member
I have a few problems with my 87 YJ...first of all...the steering wheel is really loose...and i cant get in to tighten it, if thats even possible...any suggestions??

Also, i took off my dash plate to find that i have 2 bulbs and sockets missing for my check engine light and the arrow...and also my 4WD light doesnt come on at all, even with new bulbs....any ideas to what i can do??

Trail ride?

sometimes the little u-joints in the streeing shaft get a little can try to replace these u-joints but i havnt had much luck with that root..i ended up replacing my streeing shaft with a borgeson one..
Previous owner must have gotten tired of looking at the check engine light and shift indicator (arrow) so they were removed :roll:

As for the 4wd light not working, the problem most likely is not in your dash. The shift collar on the passenger side of the axle is not moving to lock the two axle shafts together, which is operated by vacuum from the transfer case each time you engage 4wd.

Pull the vacuum connection from the front axle (2 ports) and check for vacuum with the Jeep running. Should be strong vacuum in 1 port for 2wd and the other port for 4wd. If not, check for a bad vacuum line or a bad switch where the vacuum enters the transfer case.

Let me know what you find out, and we'll post more detail if needed.
? high compression 4.0L ?

On my cherokee there were about three bulbs and sockets missing form the dash - for a reason. My Jeep doesn't have the options for those lights. I'm not sure about the YJs, but the 87-88 Cherokees use a Bendix/Renix computer system with NO check engine light (since it stores NO codes.)

So, it is possible you don't have a check engine light socket because your computer doesn't store codes, and it is possible you don't have an upshift light socket because your Jeep is an automatic?

Apparently Jeep did this to save money (they could use the same light panels for a Jeep with any combonation of options) 8)

Just a thought :mrgreen:
-Nick :!:

i took off the dash plate and i can see all the places where the lights are...and i can see a check engine light and a upshift light...and i know my jeep is a can i buy sockets if i want them back?