Power steering


New member
Have had a slow puddle forming in the garage of power steering fluid. Fluid is empty but steering is fine, so far. What do I check to determine where leak is coming from?

Losing that much fluid could mean the sector shaft seal is leaking. Chances are the bearing in the steering box is badly worn permitting too much movement in the shaft when steering. I don't know if rebuilding it is feasible or replacement. I would check out both. But I would like to ask first , is the pressure line or return line wet at any fitting or the line itself ? Start an inspection from the power steering pump to the lines and to the steering gear box.
I need to check but appears to be covered in a film from the fluid all over. To look at worst case scenario, what all would need to be replaced?
I would say to get pictures and post them but most important is to degrease the area that is covered in power steering fluid to find where the leak originates . This should determine what will need replacement. Hoping it is not the steering box and just a crimp fitting on a hose which will be ape asker and less expensive . If need be , try an old trick ; clean off the entire area ( spray degreaser and wash off ) and when dry , sprinkle baby powder . It will make it easier to see where the fluid is leaking. Degreasing should be done again before repair.