pretty funny

I'm gonna just step waaaay out on a limb here and guess that guy had that Jeep bought for him and he was about 20 years old.


that being said, it was funny to watch.:D

How do you look at a jeep and say "hey lets try and drift it" Dumba$$
I'm gonna just step waaaay out on a limb here and guess that guy had that Jeep bought for him and he was about 20 years old.


that being said, it was funny to watch.:D

Hey watch it with the 20 yr old comments, I only roll my trail rig! 8)

Hey watch it with the 20 yr old comments, I only roll my trail rig! 8)

Present company, not included corrupt.

I know you are not like that. You actually work for your stuff and you don't abuse what you can't fix or pay for yourself.

That guy, [while the vid was funny] was a little wiener.8)