Purchase decision: Manual vs. Auto


New member
Hi all. It seems sacriligious to buy a Jeep with auto so I would like some input. My details:

Will be a daily driver (lots of stop-n-go freeway)
South Florida
Plan basic off-roading, no technical stuff

Thanks in advance for your opinions.

I am fighting the same battle. I promise you, If you buy the Auto, it will hold value better. There is some new component for auto jeeps that Rock Crawlers are raving about. theylike it better than stick, I don't know the stats though.
It's probabbly more practical and convenient to get an Auto trans.. My personnal preference is manual regardles of traffic.
I have an auto in my Jeep and love it. I went Auto because my wife thought she may drive the Jeep back then. Now that it is on 37s, she does not drive it at all.

I rock crawl the Jeep alot. The control you have with auto is so much better than manual. No stalls, Jerky take offs, etc. Not a big deal when all four tires are on teh ground, but when your body weight is either henging from your seat belt or all on the back (not bottom) of the seat, smooth take offs are nice.

Also, the Torque converter in an auto makes it more bearable to run larger tires with less gearing. For what I do, I will likely NOT own a manual off road vehicle again.

In the end, it does come down to personal preferance. You won't be unhappy either way. Just take the top off and enjoy 8)

I prefer manual.You have better control of what the vehicle will do.Brakes last longer and a lot safer in the winter on snow.If I rock crawled I would want an auto,but for normal on road and light off road I will stay with my Stick.
I prefer the manual since the one I have is geared real low Its great on the rocks
and helps not having to brake on way back down I also have a auto not realy much power when crawling but it does ok but I need to be on brake all the way down since its not geared low enough but if its your daily driver go auto clutch would get old fast with all the stop n go on the hwy