Well .. not even one payment in on the Jeep and she was robbed .. They crawled through the rear side window and stole .. well tried to steal my radio - but apparently couldn't get it out of the dash .. so they busted open the center thing and stole the faceplate .. :idea: .. so now I have a crooked azz stereo and no faceplate - O and they tore up my dash trying to get it out and poked a mini hole in the passenger side window -
Reason for telling U all this .. does ANYONE have an alarm on their Jeep and does it do ANYTHING ? or am I doomed to being robbed repeatedly? someone told me - leave the doors unlocked so they won't have to cut your windows it'll save you some money as if it is hopeless..My dad has a alarm called bulldog or something and if you even walk too close to it it tells you back off .. i was thinking of getting that it's very cheap only 50 bucks .. and Now I have to replace the radio which I don't have the money for so I will be radio less for a LONG time .. I was going to try and just buy a faceplate but the whole radio is cocked to the side so I don't even know if it will work and I can't afford to loose the money finding out ... I was SOOOOOOO mad and just .. disgusted the poor cop thought I was a luntaic crying over a radio -- but it was the whole situation I waited 4 ever to get that jeep and now she is violated .. anyway any suggestions would help Thanks
Reason for telling U all this .. does ANYONE have an alarm on their Jeep and does it do ANYTHING ? or am I doomed to being robbed repeatedly? someone told me - leave the doors unlocked so they won't have to cut your windows it'll save you some money as if it is hopeless..My dad has a alarm called bulldog or something and if you even walk too close to it it tells you back off .. i was thinking of getting that it's very cheap only 50 bucks .. and Now I have to replace the radio which I don't have the money for so I will be radio less for a LONG time .. I was going to try and just buy a faceplate but the whole radio is cocked to the side so I don't even know if it will work and I can't afford to loose the money finding out ... I was SOOOOOOO mad and just .. disgusted the poor cop thought I was a luntaic crying over a radio -- but it was the whole situation I waited 4 ever to get that jeep and now she is violated .. anyway any suggestions would help Thanks