running wild!

Hey guys,surfbandit here again,have a question if anybody out there can give me a answer about my electric cooling fan.went to the beach tested my 4 wheeling for a little bit,then parked it for awhile walk the beach with my dog.anyway we left the beach heading home,got home didnt think nothing of it,about a hour an a half notice that the fan was still running weird open the hood checked the raidator not hot and fan giong like crazy so i unplugged it to stop the fan,so im clueless whats giong on with fan,can anybody help me or have any suggestions whats the problem,cause i dont im afraid to plugg it back in and just stay running.well guys ill be waitnig for you answers and thanks everybody!! Surfbandit cctx!! :d
I have no idea what could be wrong, but as Mikey said, could be a stuck relay. Sounds like it's time to upgrade me thinks. Get yourself an electic puller fan out of 3.8 ford taurus. They pull over 4000 cfm in the highspeed mode. Mine's on its way now in the post.