SCORE: Jeep--3; Other Vehicles--0

Re: RE: Re: RE: Axle fluid leaking into rear brakes

Some of you may recall my first conquest at pulling another vehicle out of the mud. It was a 3/4 or 1 ton Chevy with a HUGE wooden shed on a trailer behind it. Topped that today with a double header of a different type. Last night on my way home from work, the one dirt road I generally take was being redone. The grader was just finishing smoothing out a load of fresh dirt as I went through. It rained an inch and a half last night and this morning, so on my way home from work today I decided to see how sloppy it was. The first two spots they had fixed were pretty sloppy, and I could see where someone had already plowed their way through, leaving some pretty good ruts. As I topped the hill, I could see a truck sitting kinda crooked in the road about half a mile ahead. Then I saw the Chevy Blazer down in the ditch....buried up to the bumpers. As I got closer, I could see that the truck in the road was a flatbed tow-truck....and it was stuck!! I casually pulled up (in two wheel drive, of course) and asked if they needed a tug. The tow truck driver just laughed, but the kid in the Blazer said I could try if I wanted, but didn't think I could do it since the tow truck got stuck trying to pull him out. One problem: the tow truck was in the way. After some persuading, I talked the tow driver into hooking his truck up to my Jeep with his chains. I tugged him all the way down to the paved road, about 1/4 mile ahead. Then gave him a ride back to where the Blazer was. He hooked up the chains again, and I yanked the Blazer down to the paved road, too!!! As I was turning around to take the tow driver back to his truck, I realized I was still in 2wd!!!!!!! The tow driver was in such disbelief that he paid me $60, and the kid in the Blazer paid me $40. And I never even left the driver's seat!!!!

dude that story is gonna keep a smile on my face for the rest of the week. you gottsta love it.
It's not the first time I've forgotten to throw it in 4wd. I was wheeling with a buddy in the muck at a local lake and got crossed up in somebody's ruts, resting on the frame. We weren't going anywhere and I was starting to freak......then I noticed the little 4wd indicator wasn't on. Dropped into 4 and away we went!!!! Of course, I told him I did it on purpose!!

joejeepny said:
Up in the north east here we make gas money pullin people out after snow storms.

This is the first time I've made any money pulling someone out since the late 80's. Used to do it all the time in my old Toyota. I'd go out to the lake after a rain, or during the winter and pull all those rich city boys out after getting stuck hunting. Usually made enough in a weekend to pay my loan payments. I'd tell them I could pull them out for $20 or they could have a tow truck come from Wichita (45 miles away) for around $100. Made it an easy decision for them. Haven't even asked for money in 2 decades! The cash these guys offered will go towards my new electric fan in the YJ.
That's cool!!

I love it when people offer to pay you to tow them out. I've never asked for money, but have been payed many times...and love it!!
Oh.....I thought that was what rocks were for. Guess maybe rocks are actually there just to hold up the crumbling remains of Chevys. Yeah, that must be it.......

White said:
Mud is for poser's to post pics in signatures...

I beg to differ.................the purpose of mud is to let you know you bought the wrong tires! :lol:
Who's talking about Chevys ?