Sir, your vehicle is waiting......


New member
steering death


Don't I wish! Thats one of our charter planes.....thought I'd have a little fun with the camera. NOT something you see too often though.

Ha,thats great.From the plain to the jeep. :) Sully

1991 yj 3 core radiator with shroud

Sweet, im majoring i aviation and hope to get all my certifications, and licenses so i can fly for a major one day :mrgreen:
New Member

I've got a picture of my jeep like that also.

I work at a airport so it's always around planes and helicopters.

sure would love to have a plane like that!
I am considering getting my private pilots license in the very near future,just joined AOPA and researching schools in my area...hope to start by october...any tips would be appreciated;)


pinaplebob said:
I've got a picture of my jeep like that also.

I work at a airport so it's always around planes and helicopters.


Cool! Thats a KAMAX, right? Those things are whacky. At my "real" (full time) job, I work on CH-47 Chinooks, UH-1 Hueys, AH-64 Apaches and UH-60 Blackhawks. I love Helicopters.

Keep 'em flying!
Sacredgroove said:
sure would love to have a plane like that!
I am considering getting my private pilots license in the very near future,just joined AOPA and researching schools in my area...hope to start by october...any tips would be appreciated;)

Excelent move. You won't regret it. Set the time and $$$ aside for it and GO! Your first solo flight will be a lifetime memory. I remember mine like it was an hour ago (o.k., 12 years ago)......grinning from ear-to-ear, up there all by myself. "This plane is MINE! No instructor to chop my throttle.....HOLY S#!T, I'm a pilot!" LOL

Tip: wear an old shirt when you solo. (You'll see why)

Remember the most useless things to a pilot are : 1. Runway behind you. 2. Altitude above you. 3. Fuel left on the ground.

DON'T EVER get "gotta go-itis". If the weather is bad or you think you could be overloaded or you don't think the plane is running perfect or you may be feeling ill or whatever........DON'T GO. It's better to be down here wishing you were up there than to be up there wishing you were down here!!!!.

Re: nice

Glass79CJ5dude said:
When I was in the Marines, I worked on these:


Ahh, the 'ol '53. So, you were a "S#!tter" mechanic?
Yes it's a KMAXX helicopter. It is only the second one to ever fly through my airport in it's 73 years of existance. I am in-charge of fueling and maitnance on the airport. It's a really really small (3000 ft) airport with mainly single engine and helicopter traffic.

Yeah the KMAXX is a very cool helicopter. The two blades on the top give it a really really weird sound as well as vibrations. The blades are big enough that you can feel it coming. It's really really tall and very skinny.
Those helos are great, I prefer to go high and as FAST as humanly possible. If anyone knows what the F-22 Raptor is that's what i want to fly when i enter the service afer college. The CH-53 Super Stallions are SICK. My favorite helo.

P.S. That KMAXX is really an amazing aircraft.