It knows where it's at, because it is, and it was and it shall be, but never was or will be and may never be again. Or so I'm told. That's as bad as having an orange on a bicyle with no wheels ride by you and wave. Give that some thought. Happy New Year. Still have more beer to drink. Later
OK I have a confession.:redface: :redface: :redface: :redface:
I showed this to a friend tonight who is a B1 Bomber pilot.
He laughed.
He said it is a joke that was put out by some pranksters in the Air Force.
It has been around for a couple of years he said.
I fell for it and thought it was valid.:redface: :redface:
Prank or not, it sounds exactly like something the government would issue. I don't know if many (or any) of you have read Army Marksmanship Training manuals, but they're written the same way as that audio. It gives me a headache