Stupid People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
RE: Re: RE: Stuck line truck

God some people are really dumb. I was reading the local newspaper and found this inside:

SEAT BELT VIOLATION. I would like to thank the Salisbury Police officer who pulled me over last week for a seat belt violation and wrote me a ticket. What a joke. Do these police officers have nothing to do with their time? Why doesn't he make himself useful and maybe pull someone over for speeding?

LOUD MUSIC. Now wait just a minute, I paid good money for those six bass speakers in my teenager's car. I expect them to play their music loud. Try buying a new house that is not put together like a house of cards, and it will not shake.

Obviously they do not know that the law says everyone in the car must wear a seatbelt, and this month is being advertised as, "click it or ticket" for a reason. As for the stereo, there is a point where a stereo is way too loud, when i can't hear the stereo in MY car with the windows rolled up over their stereo. Plus teenagers are still very unexperienced drivers and need all the attention they can get onto the roadway, not playing with their stereos. Thats also a law where a stereo cannot be played where it can be heard from 50' or more outside the car. I handle way too many accidents caused by kids over not hearing sirens, or playing with their stereos while driving. Sorry, my morning rant done.

Whew!!! When I read the title I thought you were talkin' about me!! :lol: :lol:

By the way, dropseys, I agree with you.
LOL, Mud you kill me. No i wasn't talking about anyone here. Everyone on here is great.

The worst part is this is far from the first time they have complained about getting caught breaking the law in the newspaper.
RE: Vegas Bachelor Party aftermath prank (work safe)

I totally agree with you. I was next to some kid in a convertible a few weeks ago who's bass was so powerful that I felt nauseous. I was almost two cars behind him and it still made my ears hurt. What about the morons driving with big headphones on now? How can they possibly hear what's going on around them? I wish one of these fools would hit me. I'll wrap those headphones around their neck and tie 'em to the bumper.

We have a lot of people here who complain about getting tickets for the laws they break. "Why don't the cops bust the people who are breaking bigger laws?" They think it's all about ticket revenue and the cops are just going after easy targets. HELL YEAH THEY ARE! If these morons are so dumb they can't figure this out then they deserve to get tickets! I wish there was a law against being stupid!

And you thought you went off on a rant.......Sorry 'bout that. I'm done now.

RE: Want to buy a New Liberty.......what are your thoughts?

It's funny how indignant some people can be even if they're dead wrong... These are the laws... You voted for the people who wrote the laws somewhere down the line. Those laws had to be passed, again, by either directly voting, or voting for someone to pass them... You vote on tax millages and such to keep the police department funded and running... All of this is public forum at a city council meeting, and yet, somehow, you still feel the right to moan and complain about the system that you put into place doing it's job!!!

DUH!!! I paid, and am still paying buku bucks for a Jeep, a 4X4 vehicle... Does that mean that since I paid for it, I can go wheeling on your lawn because I have it, and should be allowed to use it? And as for the seatbelt, if you're fool enough to not wear it, I almost think that ya should be thrown through a windshield once or twice, I hear it builds character!

This is why people piss me off, things like this... Here you are, Dropseys, and persons like you putting your time, and sometimes your life on the line to keep your little town safe and happy for all involved, and all people can do is bitch... They should be lucky there are laws on the books against loud speakers and such... It's one thing to listen to your music loud, I like my music loud, but not so loud that it's shaking windows, and pissing off the neighbors... I'll tell ya, if someone came blasting down my street at night because they bought those speakers and have the right to use them, I'd probably be harming their vehicle with a 9 Iron...

Ok, that's the end of my rant, cliffs notes: I support you all the way, people are stupid... :)
RE: This woman is taking resourcefullness a little too far

This reminds me, I need to go pick out some new stereo equipement for my new vehicle. I sold my truck with all the fancy stuff, so it's time for something better and louder I guess.

Oh, but I usually don't play it loud on the streets....especially when other cars are near by. I hate it when people are blasting their music stopped at traffic lights. If theirs is really annoying, I atmit I will crank mine way up....then they don't think they're so cool anymore!!!!

People who complain about tickets that were given out for valid reasons ARE stupid!!! Sure they should still go and try to get it redused and everything if they want (nothing wrong with that), but to say the cops should be going after people for worse stuff is just dumb! They should get a ticket just for saying that.
let me say, the music violation is an obvious one. its just not courteous to those around you. if its late at night, or early in the morning, hell even in the middle of the day, other people dont need to hear your music. so if you're dumb enough to put that much into a stereo system you know you're not supposed to crank up unless its at a competition or something, i guess that falls under natural selection, lets hope you dont breed.....

as far as the seatbelt thing goes. i kinda disagree with that. let me preface this by saying that i wear my seatbelt ALL the time, whether i'm driving, or i'm a passenger. my seatbelt is always the first thing i put on (followed by stylin shades). that said, i dont think people should get tickets for not wearing theirs. i understand protecting people. but this is supposed to be a free country, so if joe schmoe doesnt want to wear a seatbelt, i'm not going to force him to. as it was before, the law in my home state was under 18, thats cool, that goes along with a lot of other stuff when you turn 18.

Aha, but not wearing you seatbelt IS a lack of courtesy to the drivers around you. How? Just remember next time you look at Insurance bill, those costs are ultimately decided by profit and loss.

Less seat belts=more injury and death. More injury and death mean the insurance companies need to deal out cash. Thus, higher premiums for all of us. The law is more about money than it is "Protecting the Driver."
bchcky said:
as far as the seatbelt thing goes. i kinda disagree with that. let me preface this by saying that i wear my seatbelt ALL the time, whether i'm driving, or i'm a passenger. my seatbelt is always the first thing i put on (followed by stylin shades). that said, i dont think people should get tickets for not wearing theirs. i understand protecting people. but this is supposed to be a free country, so if joe schmoe doesnt want to wear a seatbelt, i'm not going to force him to. as it was before, the law in my home state was under 18, thats cool, that goes along with a lot of other stuff when you turn 18.

I would agree with you but for one reason.. when that moron without a seatbelt gets in a serious wreck, everyone's car insurance and medical insurance goes up because of the hundreds of thousands of dollars the insurance companies end up paying out. I say if you aren't wearing a seatbelt, your insurance should be null & void. So long as some moron not wearing their belt is gonna cost me money I have a serious issue with it!

RE: Vegas Bachelor Party aftermath prank (work safe)

bchcky said:
so if you're dumb enough to put that much into a stereo system you know you're not supposed to crank up unless its at a competition or something, i guess that falls under natural selection, lets hope you dont breed.....

ummmm, well.....ummm....I wasn't planning to bread anyways, so there!!
RE: BFG All Terrain T/A KO - Black out or White out?

So what if the insurance rates go up? I mean, I don't want to pay higher insurance rates myself, but the insurance companies shouldn't be allowed to do that. Two wrongs don't make a right. I have an automobile insurance policy that I pay the premiums on, and those premiums should be based on MY driving record. If I had been involved in an accident where I was found to not be wearing my seatbelt, then I would fully expect my policy provider to raise my rates because I have an increased chance of injury in an accident. BUT......should I be considered more of risk because some dude I've never met was stupid enough to not wear a belt? I don't think so.

Back to the original point.....We are placed in the position of having to fight amongst ouselves as we wage the insurance companies war on this issue by constantly being reminded that non-belted drivers negatively effect us all.......when they don't.......or at least they shouldn't. I have no right to tell a man he can't take any action when that action has no adverse influence on the personal rights that were granted to me in the constitution. I wear my seatbelt, and that is a lesson that I have learned the hard way, so I'm not trying to defend not wearing it.

As silly as it sounds, any way I look at it, the seatbelt law appears to be one of the most blatantly unAmerican laws we have. Of course, alot of them seem that way nowadays.

And I agree dropseys, it takes a real moron to take out an ad like that.
Junkpile said:
So what if the insurance rates go up? I mean, I don't want to pay higher insurance rates myself, but the insurance companies shouldn't be allowed to do that. Two wrongs don't make a right. I have an automobile insurance policy that I pay the premiums on, and those premiums should be based on MY driving record. If I had been involved in an accident where I was found to not be wearing my seatbelt, then I would fully expect my policy provider to raise my rates because I have an increased chance of injury in an accident. BUT......should I be considered more of risk because some dude I've never met was stupid enough to not wear a belt? I don't think so.

If insurance were run that way, they wouldn't be in business. So, if you've never had a ticket or have been in an accident, your rates should be...what? Zero? Obviously they wouldn't nor can they be.

They will, however, be lower. But let's say you pay as an accident/ticket free driver 80 bucks a month on your premium, how do you think they determine THAT price? It's based on the numbers and statistics of where you live and drive. If it's a high risk area, you pay more. If many people are careless in your city, your rates will go up, because they take more of a risk in insuring you. They have to play the averages because if they didn't there wouldn't be any profit in it. And they can never predict how good of a driver YOU will be in the future specifically.

Insurance in El Paso is pricey. Why? Lot's of DUI's, lots of uninsured motorists, and horrible roads and infrastructure. (that's another thing, if EVERYONE was insured, our rates would go down as well)

And because we are capitalists, it's all about making money. You, as a customer, have options. Dairyland, Geico, Farmers, progressive. And they all compete with eachother, so you can pick the lowest bidder.

It may not be fair, but if I were in the insurance business, and your part of the country has a 20% higher incident rate of collisions, I'd raise the cost of coverage on that area too.

/me prepares to get flamed

Ok, so heres a topic I happen to be a little passionate about. I personally disagree with and dislike laws that are around to protect us from ourselves. Seatbealts (cars), helmets (motocycles), life vests (water sports). In all but maybe freakishly rare circumstances, a persons choice to not wear one of these will hurt no one, except maybe themselves. I haven't seen any recent data, but there have been past reports where collision related injuries have actually been more prominent amound those wearing seatbelts than those not wearing them. Likewise for fatalities. If you want me to search around for these reports I could do so, but a friendly google search shoould yield the results.

Before I continue, I should metion that I do, or at least used to wear seatbelts, helmets, etc. Let me explain. I used to always wear my seatbelt. It was just natural; one of the steps of driving my car. Get in, situate self in seat, start car, put on seat belt, start driving. Not sure why I waited till after starting the car to put it on, I just did. Then one day, I got a motorcycle. CA state law requires a helmet for all riders, not that that would have mattered, I happen to like my head the way it is. But despite wearing the helmet and gloves and other protective gear, I felt like I was missing something. Until one day I figured it out. I was so used to wearing a seatbelt while driving, that I missed it while riding my bike. So, to condition myself, I started to not wear my seatbelt in my car. Say anythin you want to about this, but it is IMPERATIVE to feel comfortable on a motorcycle. Finally, I was able to break that feeling of missing the seatbelt. Unfortunately, it also meant I wasn't putting it on as often in my car. Recenrtly I was able to get back into the groove of things, and started putting my seatbelt on again.

The botton line: Not wearing a safety device such as one of these mentioned above, endangers no one except the individual not wearing it. People don't get tickets for not jimmying up before having sex; think about it, its close to the same thing. Arguments might come flooding in now like "Yeah, but if you don't wear a jimmy, you can get STDs; that's your punishment." Likewise, if you don't wear a seatbelt, you could be thrown thru your windshield. Risk vs. reward.

I don't like these laws. I wear my seatbelt, my helmet, my lifevest; because I believe it makes me safer, not because there is a law that says I need to do so. If one day, I decide I don't want to, or maybe I simply forget, I shouldn't have to pay $$$ out of my pocket just to be reminded. If a cop wants to pull me over and tell me I'm safer to wear my seatbelt and suggest that I do so? I will probably thank him for his advice, strap up and continue on my way. But what good does making me pay a fine do? Scare tactic? Wear your seatbelt or else? Sure, it might work that way. I don't think so though. I strongly believe these laws and their subsequent fines are nothing more than revenue for the force, and kudos points for the officer that wrote the ticket.

Safe driving, awareness, and a desire for self preservation go a long way.

And you guys thought you went on a rant.

Last thought. More often than not, a violation such as not wearing a seatbelt, non-working blinker; these sorts of things. Are nothing more than a reason for a cop to pull you over, to find out if there is something else he/she should be busting you for. I have friends and family on the force, I've heard the stories.
RE: Tie rod woahs

Hoo, boy. Lemme tell ya something about seatbelts, insurance, and money. As Mingez stated, yes we do all pay extra because of the buffoon that doesn't wear his seatbelt and is maimed for life in an accident (it's actually cheaper if they are killed outright). However, it's not necessarily the insurance companies that are raping us for that. Where they come in and charge extra is when someone has no insurance and is in a wreck that either maims someone or causes a large amount of property damage (i.e., a Yugo hitting a Porsche and slamming that into a Mercedes).

Where we get hit from the non-belted person is in a slight way from insurance companies when they have to pay out their maximum benefits. And unfortunately, that happens quite frequently. If the companies didn't raise everyone's rates, they would in essence go bankrupt, and I shudder to think of the consequences of having absolutely no insurance companies or coverage, much as I hate them for what they've become.

Our biggest hit comes from taxes and medical bills. Yeah. When some Mingez....errr, ummm....doofball slams a bridge abutment at 70mph with no seatbelt, is ejected from the vehicle, thrown 250 feet down the road and lands on their head but survives, that's when we get whacked. That person's insurance has a maximum payout for medical (read your policies, they all have one), say about $100,000. His immediate medical bills to piece his body back together total $150,000, and his lifetime of medical care 24/7 comes to roughly $40,000,000, who pays the extra $40,050,000? You and I. It's part of the reason medical expenses are so high (combined with the cost of malpractice insurance from doctors). We also pay for it with Social Security taxes, and a part of our income taxes also goes to cover it.

So, I don't care if you wear your seatbelt or not, so long as you hit something hard enough to kill yourself on impact. Funerals are cheap, and insurance companies can afford an awful lot of those. Around the clock care for a quad or veg from a severe head injury, well, let's just say that $40,000,000 is most likely a very, very low estimate of the actual cost.....of the cost that we pay because that jackass didn't wear his seatbelt because it was "un-American" and a violation of his rights.
RE: Tie rod woahs

Spatula said:
The botton line: Not wearing a safety device such as one of these mentioned above, endangers no one except the individual not wearing it.
Yes it does! It endangers my wallet.

Don't cha see, I could care less about protecting stupid people from themselves. Die for all I care. I'm more interested in protecting my pocketbook. :wink:

Spatula, I am here not to flame you but to agree with you and burn along with you. You all have made good, valid, logical points and I agree with those also. However, I don't like any LAW designed to protect the individual from himself. Seat belts and helmets are both proven safety devices that minimize injury and, having a bit of common sense, I use them religiously. However, I don't like being LEGISLATED to use them. It's a shame that the punishment is just a fine, or vegetation, instead of death (as Sparky suggested). If it were, I'm sure compliance would be 100%. I've been down twice on a bike and thanked the Lord that I was wearing my helmet (head=unscathed.....helmet=scratched and beat to hell). However, there were times, out in the country, very little traffic, that I whipped that sucker off. Seat belts,'s become a habit now and second nature (I'm old enough to remember when they were offered as an "option" on new cars). I know it will never happen, but we (the entire populace) need to start takin' some responsibility and use some common sense and quit relying on the government to keep us "safe".

Did I mention the Patriot Act scares the shite out of me?

My rant.......done

Old hippie payin' out the a$$ for insurance like everyone else,


RE: HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz folks...

Quote of dropseys quote:

SEAT BELT VIOLATION. I would like to thank the Salisbury Police officer who pulled me over last week for a seat belt violation and wrote me a ticket. What a joke. Do these police officers have nothing to do with their time? Why doesn't he make himself useful and maybe pull someone over for speeding?

I don't understand the rub here. Apparently, Maryland V&T law requires the use of seatbelts and provides sanctions for violation of said law.

Bang! (sound of gavel) Case closed! She fought the law (not the police), and the law (not the police) won. The writer's letter is a classic case of shooting the messenger.

If the Salisbury police didn't enforce the seatbelt law, no doubt the same person would criticize the police for selective law enforcement.


The Honorable Judge "hang 'em all" Gadget

PS: Things will be different when I become King!