Super Bowl Commercials -- The Bowlie Awards

Okay – now that the Super Bowl has ended, it is time to award the “Bowlies": the award for the best Super Bowl commercial.

My nominations are:

(Envelope, please)

“Parrot As Man-Pest Repellant”

{{Applause}} 7 on the scale of 10 “Bowlie” meter



“Sucking Up to the Boss”

{{Applause}} 9 on the scale of 10 “Bowlie” meter



“Wardrobe Malfunction, Revisited”

{{Huge Applause}} – “Bowlie” meter pegs at high-end of scale


Which were your favorite Super Bowl commercials?

Go here to review and re-enjoy the Super Bowl commercials:

CLICKY – Super Bowl Commercial O-Rama -- CLICKY


Self-Styled media critic and member of the Bowlie Academy, Gadget

RE: For the FireFox users that want Lightning Page Loads

I would think this Jeepin' crowd liked the Pepsi commercial with the Pepsi delivery truck lifted with big tires!!!
RE: Polar Bears

My favorite was the one in the airport and the crowd is applauding the service men and women walking through.

RE: Time waster

yeah that one was a very classy commercial

as far as funny goes, the guy throwing the beer out of the plane and the pilot jumping after it was the funniest one.

Jeep Bogger Tread tattoo

bchcky said:
yeah that one was a very classy commercial

as far as funny goes, the guy throwing the beer out of the plane and the pilot jumping after it was the funniest one.

That was my favorite. 8)
Re: RE: Jeep Unlimited on the Rubicon Trail

All in all, I was disappointed. Good game...lousy (generally speaking) commercials. I expected better for all the money they're paying.
I kinda liked the Lays one where they lost the ball, then threw the chips over to get the old man to give back the ball. Then the old man throws M.C. Hammer over, so they throw him back :D

Funniest though I think was the one where the girl walks in as the guy is holding the cat and the knife :lol:

But yes, the best was by far the one applauding our troops.


I expected better for all the money they're paying. the one for the FOX show "24" 2.4 million dollars and they said "worth every penny"
RE: Dodge sneek peek Electric swaybar Disco

Green97TJ said:
Funniest though I think was the one where the girl walks in as the guy is holding the cat and the knife :lol:

I vote that one too!! Funny!
Well I only saw a few commercials but I loved the one about our service men and women of course and the wardrobe malfunction was quite funny.
