suspension bushing problems...


New member
hey guys, got a problem here... ive got an 89 yj and recently bought a new lift for it. i brought it in to the shop and started to take off the various nuts and bolts that held my suspension together. only problem was that almost EVERY one of them was completely frozen up. My spring bushings were also frozen to the outside of the bolts on the spring bracket. any idea of how to get them off without torching them? ive tried everything i can think of... need some new ideas. thanks guys

torching was the only thing that ever worked for me
ayep, torch 'em or soak them suckers in some kind of oil to losen them up WD or that PB junk. Torch is by far yer best bet. Or give the ole cheat bar a try, long 1" round tube to stick on the end of the handle of your ractchet to get more leverage, that might help out.
Side grinder will weart em down pretty good too. Cut or grind is your only real options. Use some sort of anti seeze "pardon my spelling again" when you put it all back together for when you go even higher in the future. tug

we even used a 4 ton shop press and they wouldn't pop... heat was the only way