Tennessee Labor Day Ride!


New member
PASmokeater Family, L33TJ33P, and Greaywulf Family all here, All Muddy, All wet, All doing well. I feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world to have friends like these. I miss the ones that was here before and unable to be here now and wait their return another day.

There is nothing like haven the Jeepz family visit. We have laughed and went on with so much nonsence around here that you would not believe. I feel myu family grows with every vistor for these trail rides. I did not even have a Jeep worth of the trails this time and have still had like a major ball.

Getting ready to lay meat on the grill here now and there is going to be some serious eating going on (again) we do a lot of that. Afton and Chrissy are so much fun. Will be some great pics to be posted a little latter. tug

Sounds great tug,I had a little run today myself.

we need PICS!!!
Tug and all,

I'm glad your having a great time. It's been a heck of a weekend here. LOL Have some fun for me and eat something for me too! Be safe.


I BROKE 10K on (What I thought) was the best trail. I dod get some Tennessee Pin-Stripes at the same time but never lost the Grin on my face. Nearly flipped her before 10k though. Let's just say I will be a washing a pair of britches. HA HA HA :lol:

Had a GREAT time Momma Tug, Tug and little tugs. I look forward to comming back ASAP.

Oh PASmoke, We will have to start a thread and tell you about the trails we hit Monday. And about my Rescue of the Grand ole'CJ with Lockers. WOOHOO!!!

This little TJ rescued TWO CJs in ONE weekend. I am a Proud TJ owner.
I LOVE U TUG..... Thanx for having us all. That was one of the best vay-k's ever! me and crissy haven't laughed or had as much fun as we did this weekend in a long time. I can't wait until we come for good. I'm happy to say ur like another dad to me, and i know that Rene will be like a mom for me while toshi's still up here. But it's nice to know that now we have family now that we get along with and that the whole "Smokey" hosehold has never had that b 4. Jake and Will..... well they are just them LOL but I do love those boys and i cant wait until we all get to eat the home cooked meals together all the time, and not just while we are posting. I love u guys and thanx...
Taking off Jeep doors

Thank You Graewolf,

Looks like it was a blast and a good bonding event! Tenn looks like a great place to wheel. Have to get down there myself someday! :roll:
Everything went great! Afton "Dito" The pics look good but it is hard to get the camera to show how steep slick and rough some of the spots in the pics really are. We did get to know Greaywulf and L33TJ33P real good and Jason is like my younger Brother I never had. He even looks like me 20 years ago. He aint real happy about that. Momma Tug says she is glad he does not live here or else me and Jason would go to jail. Often! We had a ball, and Ladyjeepfreak you and all are welcome to come ride when ever you can. Just let me know ahead of time so we can clean up the house and try to get the jeep running prior to your arrival. :oops: Tug, Mommatug, and the tuglets