The best jeep on


New member
I have always been wondering what everyones opinion were on the best jeep,or jeepz on know this probably looks like a stupid question.But I just want to see what everyone thinks.

So I was thinking,ok there should be a best CJ,YJ,TJ, XJ and so-on.We should do like a top three.
So what do you guys think for best TJ's?
Best YJ's?
Best CJ's?
Best XJ's?

What do you guys think?

Well everyone knows, MY YJ is the best around... :D
I think the person who uses there jeep the way it should, has the best jeep! Even Bone Stock, a jeep will amaze you with it's offroad capabilities.

I think the person who has a real rice rig and uses it regularly to pick up groceries and thee kids at soccer has the less acceptable jeep!
Sully just enjoys a good fight I think! The best Jeep is the one you have and use. The fact though many will not say in public is there is not a best jeep. They are all hard riden, drafty ol I need to be repaired all the time, gas drinken, hard edged, make no sence at all, who in their right mind would have one, divorce causen, forever a problem, Works of art.

From the OD Flatties to the shinny new Rubi's they are all wonderful if you have the understanding to what they are for and use the way they were intened. Just aint worth fighting over whos is the best and whos will do what better. It is just a Jeep thing and if you get it you get and if you dont you never will.
tug said that, and I think he means it. hehehehe :wink:

mine is the best, of course. i thought all yall already knew that
Every Jeeper knows their Jeep is the best one because...well.. it is theirs!

However, as a Jeeper that has several Jeeps. I have to honestly say of all the Jeeps, my favorite is the CJ-8. Scramblers are the best!

well... we all use them for different purposes... On the day that we all meet together, every one of us, and test drive each others rigs, that is when we will be able to determine who's we think is the best.. and mine is NOT that

I had some really good points to make on this topic, but after reading the thread, you all said everything that I was thinking! Good points.
I think this guys jeep should win!!


Mine's the best for me, how's yours for you? I guess the beauty (or one of their many beauties) of a Jeep is you can build it to suit you and make it "your Jeep".


wiring - relays

Where the heck did you find that picture? I hope that if you took that pic, you set fire to that Jeep and put it out of its misery shortly thereafter.

And I will place my vote for my CJ being the worst Jeep. It really is a rusty, broken piece of crap, but I still like it.
man, JP just said last month that the long wheel base was scrapped, my father in law is going to be pretty stoked if they actually produce the long wheel base, would be the first new vehicle he's ever cared to own.
on a side note, I saw a scrambler the other day with a hard top that covered the cab and bed completely, first one that I've seen, looked really nice, looked original *shrug*

diff vent tube////tj dana 35

Wow OutOfStep I was just going to post the same thing :shock: Just last week i saw an old CJ-8 with a full hard top. Looked awesome. I've always wanted a CJ-8 and I've been watching closely on all the new developments on the scrambler TJs. Still toying with the idea of trading my TJ for one of those, but I think I like it too much. Plus it is almost payed off :D

I think that the best JEEP is the 96 Wrangler with the R/T package. I still don't know how they fit a Viper V-10 in that thing, and 44" swampers form the factory! Wow the 96 is the way to go!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHHE