This is what you all have been waiting for..

I think We would end up with a 10 page essay if we tried to explain it but I will try the best that I can.

:crazy: :roll:
I mean if I ever seen him read a tree with a spatula, I'd feel the same elephant in my pants, I'll tell ya.

The next think you know, he'll be PM'ing all of us wanting us to deposit a check from Nigeria for him and send him the cash.

crazier than a cut monkey for sure!:rolleyes:
Well, I'll send you a check for $8000 dollars, you deposit it in your account and you keep $1000 for your trouble.:purple:

sad part is you know someone will fall for it. I have had to take a couple of reports for it. People don't use common sense why would someone give you money for nothing? Especially someone you don't know. They also have been doing it for cars sales, pay by money order, and over pay you like a grand or more. then they tell you cash it and give the guy who picks up your car the change. Needless to say the bank calls you a week or so later and tell you the money orders no good and you are responsible for that money.