TJ Chugging at start


New member
When I start up my TJ, it starts and run fine for a second, then chuuuugs for about 5 seconds before returning to normal. Yesterday it did it longer, actually continuing as I started driving. When I pressed the gas, it felt like it was losing power. Then the chug went away again and it was fine! Fuel problem??

Plugs, cap, and rotor were replaced a month ago

Another thing that might be good to mention is that it always takes many turn overs before it starts. If I turn the key for a couple seconds, then turn it off, and on again it starts right up. I assumed it was a normal thing but maybe not?
The symptoms you've described sounds like a Fuel pump module needs replacement. The"Chugging" may or may not be relevant to the lack of fuel pressure but IS a symptom of.
Awesome :) and I suppose the pump is in the tank, and I'll have to purchase the entire pump because they don't sell the module separately? lol

That would be correct. If you have a floor jack that's large and tall enough to reach the bottom of the fuel tank (prefferably empty) it's not that difficult to replace. On the other hand, there is a special tool used to remove the fuel pump module boss. there's 7 nuts retaining the fuel tank on the body. 4 in the rear and 3 in front of the tank. there are multiple lines on the driverside frontal position of the fuel tank and one on the passenger side that needs to be disconnected. Plus the filler tube and vent.
Well, I'm glad I have a repair manual at least, so it won't be too bad and the weather is getting nicer. It's kind of ironic because my dad went through something very similar with his GMC last month...went out to start it, and nothing. We had to take the tank off and replace the pump in -20 degree weather after towing it to a nearby apartment lot with the Jeep. I think I caught the "fuel pump disease" from him. Thanks a lot Dad!! :)
Steelheadz, could you tell me what size tank I have since you helped me out with this Jeep before I bought it? I assume 15 gal, but I've put that much in before and the gauge wasn't at E yet.

If you P.M. me your Vin# again, i can run it through and send you the Build Sheet Specs.