Tough Marine


New member
:::Warning Possibly Offensive Image::: Some of you have probably already heard this story and/or seen this picture. It's a shot of a Marine conveying his thoughts to the guy that just tried to blow him up.
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You can almost hear him say...

"Is that all you got?!!?"
Walked to the Medivac under his own power.....gotta love them Marines!!! Semper Fi, bud, Semper Fi!!!

Thanks for sharing that one, Jump.....I'm still keeping you in my prayers. Come home safe and soon!!
Just thought of something else:

When my dad was in the hospice a few days before his death, the war in Iraq had just started, so of course we kept a close eye on the TV and let Dad know what was going on (retired Army Sgt.). I recall seeing one firefight between the Marines and the Iraqis where one Marine was shot in the lower leg. The medic was trying to bandage him up, but he had to crawl on his belly to keep up with the Marine who was hobbling back over to the Humvee, still cracking shots off at the Iraqis. One of the most impressive things I've ever seen!