Trail Maps


New member
I was doing some mapping today and thought that this site would be helpful to some of ya. It allows you to get USGS arial and topo maps for nearly anywhere in the US, and allows you to see maps from ~64 meters of resolution down to ~1 meter of resolution. Kinda handy

that is cool I did a search on 2 of my local whelin spots i of them has an open feild were dirtbikes/ quads run and you can clearly see how their track lay out from the air
That's wicked praticaly looks through your living room window.

It only has Springfield, MA...doesn't come close to Marshfield.
Cedar La Trail entrance:


I've heard of people downloading satallite images that the forestry companies use to map their logging roads. These maps will show the active logging roads but you can also make out the deactivated roads and you can even find some really old roads that lead to old homesteads and farms in the middle of nowhere. I don't know if you get these maps from a satallite image website or from a forestry companies website.
now that is interesting... i love following a trail, and coming to an old dwelling and thinking of the history behind it... the mystery of it, and how things like that can be forgotten and unknown.. and how the people who lived there, could have at one point been thinking the same thing on a different occasion

Wow, that site that TwistedCopper, suggested to look at is AWESOME! I looked up every old neighborhood I've lived in. The detail is great. You can recognize cars and everything. Very Cool.

A problem with all of these sites is that the imagery can be very old.

The imagery of my neighborhood, for example, dates from 1994. An area roughly 2 miles north of my home has gone from farmland to mega-shopping malls and housing developments since 1994.

All of these satellite photo sites still show that area as farmland -- not a Walmart Super-Store or Burger-King to be seen.

This stuff is interesting, but the imagery does not necessarily convey accurate information.


The only problem is the pictures are pretty old. The house I soled 2 1/2 years ago isn't even built yet on the map.