Ugh, I'm so sick


Active member
well in my year+ with the company i am now taking my first sick day.... It's the middle of july and i'm in a hooded sweatshirt... i must be sick, huh?
and my loving, caring sweet little woman cooked me some HOME MADE chicken noodle soup.... Looks like she'll put up with my for a little while longer :)

My company did away with sick days a couple years ago. They lumped vacation and sick into one paid time off (PTO) account. At my level I have 23 days at my disposal. If I dont get sick...thats 23 days of vacation! I have taken 4 hours of PTO off in the last 2 years for being sick (a migrane)...other than that its been vaca.
I only get a week vacation off and I'm not sure how many sick days but this is the first... boy I'd like to have 23 days at my dispossal
FYI The Familiy Medical Leave Act states that you can not be terminated or disciplined in any way for leave that falls under FMLA. This can cover several instances, but there are stipulations. Your employer must grant leave, but it is limited annually and UNPAID.

Just thought I would put that out there for those who don't get sick days. I get every benefit under the sun, but if I take off sick and it is not covered by FMLA, a progressive disciplinary program begins. I know FMLA all too well. It covers caring for family members (immediate) and even "baby bonding" time, which I have used a couple of times.

Word to the wise, read up on it before using it.

Oh, yeah... sorry man I almost forgot -

Hope you feel better soon!
thanx, the ol' lady knew I was sick when I started eating soup right from the stove top.... it'll pr'olly be the last sick day I'll take this year.

nope just sick and twisted... I'll leave the prego stuff for the women-folk.... better not say that to loud :D
I feel your pain, bro....I'm in the 5th day of a nasty sinus infection and bronchitis. During 100+ degree weather, a few days hit over 110. And, to top it all off, I stayed home from work Friday and yesterday, and today in the middle of the afternoon, I got stung by a hornet. I had to use my epi pen and go to the hospital. I'll put more in another thread, so as not to hijack your misery.

I'm sitting here at work watching the day get nicer and nicer, and I think that I'm starting to feel sick...
Must be nice to have a window. I manage an IT department and we always seem to get put right in the middle of the building with no windows! Of course, the upside is that we don't go anywhere in the case of bad weather! Hmmm, guess I'll check the parking lot surveillance camera for a weather report...
I do dispatching for FedEx Ground, so we sit up at the BIG window on the top floor and look outside all day long at the truckers doin' their thang.