Upper half of Doors Flair Out When Driving on Highway


New member
I have a 1993 Jeep Wranger with a soft top. When I drive over 50 on the highway, the tops of both doors flair out about 1/2 to 1 inch. During the winter in Illinois, it makes it rather cold while driving on the highway. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? I know the best solution would be to purchase a hard top, but since I just purchased a rebuilt transmission, I have a severe cash flow problem right now. I tried tying the top of the door to the roll bar last year when I had to drive down to southern Illinois, but it still was very drafty. I have considered trying to bend the part of the frame that inserts into the half doors, but I thought I would see if anyone has any better ideas.



Very easy fix. It does it to me... pull on the top or the window inwards towards the Jeep. The metal frame will easily bend when you do it. It will seal it up right away.
full doors are the only solution to that, really... it is just the lack of strength in the door pegs.... i'm sure there are other crazy solutions... but the negative pressure outside the vehicle will always want to be compensated for
Try unzipping the back window around the tailgate. It may still be a little drafty, but at least it will be behind you.
When you get up to speed you create low pressure around the outside of the Jeep. There is higher pressure inside the Jeep. High pressure always seeks to be low. Kind of like weather a high pressure sytem always pushes at a low pressure system until they merge and equalize. By opening the rear window, it will let that pressure escape.

Bending the frames inward will work for a while. Give that a try so you don't have to open the back window.
both my cloth uppers and my fiberglass uppers do the same thing. i just keep a couple scarves and hats in the console for me and the passenger once the snow starts falling :)
I can't drive with the cab totally sealed. I gotta at least have a window cracked open. 50 degrees, 20 below, snow, rain, or shine. The vent windows on the hard doors are the main reason I went to full doors.